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Everything posted by Yardstickgozinya

  1. We shall see if the big snow some are forecasting come to fruition not the boners.
  2. https://youtu.be/xsUYHmGXfQ8?si=tG2ar8SqlP6zB5Ws It's a little over a week old but I thought it might give a few fellows here a nice boner. We shall see.
  3. Stepped outside a few hours ago and felt a chill on my cheeks and could smell hints of winter. I'm going to pay for it at work today, but I felt compelled to go on a few hour dead of night hike with Ekho. Dead calm and quiet under a big sky. What a night.
  4. I found this one tonight and I think his forecast is on point . I'm going with his forecast.
  5. I found this other day and was pretty disappointed. Personally I think he had one to many fermented apples.
  6. I don't want to offend anyone. Go to the one star google reviews. I couldn't agree more about it no longer being a kid or family friendly atmosphere.
  7. Unfortunately it's becoming really strange and full of undesirables. I actually wouldn't take a child these days. It's not what it once was.
  8. We all know how honest federal government agencies are. They certainly don't have any agendas.
  9. Our office is part of the National Weather Service, which is an agency in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA itself is part of the Department of Commerce, a branch of the federal government. The NWS is the world's largest weather organization, employing approximately 4,700 personnel.
  10. I just called my dad to check and unfortunately I was wrong. They all tested positive for covid but are already feeling better.
  11. A bunch of my dad's buddies that he meets at the vfw every Thursday have the almost the exact same symptoms. They all came down with it around the same time. I believe they all are covid negative.
  12. Found some storm damage out walking around lol,and my shit can took on some water.
  13. I would have to say atp it's underperformed here in Baltimore . As Anduril noted the center of circulation appears to be west and onshore. There still plenty of storm left. I'm hoping something worth recording will come along.
  14. I don't know how to resize pics or video with my phone . I'm not sure I can post until them until I get back to Pa.
  15. Rain has just started in Baltimore. I took a few pics of the sunset on I83 on my way down while driving . There was a beautiful red hue the cast over the landscape as the sun set in southern York co this evening.
  16. I expect there to be alot of spectators and participants with video cameras . I doubt I will be alone. It always smells of fish and seaweed every time I go down. It's hard to compete with all the guys and there big scooters. I wounder how they handle in such sloppy conditions.
  17. I'm really looking forward to experiencing this storm in Baltimore. My gf is only a few blocks from the harbor. If it's not to hairy, I will walk down to the harbor and shoot a quick video to post when a good band comes in.
  18. It really depends .I would definitely ditch her or any woman for that matter for a good old snowjob from old man winter. Old man winter is still my #1 love in life. If she ain't down with snow she's got to go.
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