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Everything posted by Yardstickgozinya

  1. Some roofs damaged and trees down just north of Lewistown. People on Facebook say it was a tornado ,but looking over the radar I saw no rotation in that location. What it dose look like is that a cell collapsed right over that area, so I'm thinking it was strong downdrafts .
  2. You forgot to mention they have found the 9th and final red heifer for the third temple sacrifice during passover at the Mount of Olives . I'm not taking about Nanny, I'm talikg about the biblical end times heifer.
  3. If any one read the post a deleted. It was only felt in the Poconos. My mistake.
  4. I don't see anything tall or intense on radar in my area.
  5. Pouring rain , graupel and even a few snow flakes out here in Mechanicsburg were I am working. Temps in the upper 40's
  6. This spring and summer climatology is not conducive to an above average season for severe weather east of the Mississippi, but active solar conditions could help enhance are storms quit a bit as far as lightning frequency. Judging by today and tomorrow the eastern USA is off to an early start so we shall see.
  7. Alot of mowing has commenced since I made that post. No shortage of mowers running in the distance over the weekend.
  8. Seeing a mod Risk 24 hours in advance is often an indication of a high risk day . I agree with @Itstrainingtimethat the pretty colors will expand.
  9. I have 20+ clients spread out all around the Harrisburg area. Not a single one has had to mow yet although a few are now ready for a first mowing.
  10. I been trying to post a spc severe probability map for day 4 , but apparently the forum reduced the file size from a ridiculous 1mb to 25.4kb. Even an spc map reduced 75% is over 25 kb so I can't post shit. Is everyone limited to 25kb ? Any ways spc has up 30% sever probabilities for day 4 already for the central US . That's not a common occurrence.
  11. Even though it's been a bust it's still snowing and a beaut out here this morning. I spent the whole night at my buddys by are rocket stove and enjoying what little there was and my last few hours as a 44 year old.
  12. It's been pretty lack luster here in Fairview Township. Maybe 1.5" and still snowing though . It was above freezing here untill around 4:00am . Not the dry snow I expected.
  13. Snow started here is Fairview Township. Good luck all.
  14. I'm exhausted and unable to keep up from all the excitement. I apologize if any of this has already been mentioned. First off the snow started accumulating here almost immediately . I believe the temperature was around 37 °F when the changeover occurred. I also received the majority of my 6.5" in 5 hours . Really nice event all things considered. I love receiving a wet and heavy 6.5 In my back yard from time to time.
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