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Everything posted by CIllinoisSnow

  1. Shaping up to be even worse of an event than anticipated, has started snowing here but that back edge of the snow is already into Illinois, likely won’t get within the 2-4” forecasted range
  2. Yeah it was nice to have something to track for once but it doesn’t looking like the bleeding is going to stop for us in Central IL, hoping those in Iowa/N IL/C MI can hold on
  3. Looking like the 0z models are clearly drier across the board An unfortunate trend this winter but pretty used to it at this point
  4. 0z GFS looking similar to 18z, but drier
  5. Yep, not ideal to see two models now which both are significantly drier, although I won't lose my mind too much unless the 0z GFS and Euro also go on board with that
  6. 0z NAM coming in a bit SE and weaker
  7. Starting to get worried here in Bloomington, that cutoff keeps inching closer
  8. Death, Taxes and the 2024-25 winter sticking with the suppressed SE trend
  9. I genuinely cannot comprehend what I’m seeing in New Orleans, looks like what you would see In Minneapolis or Chicago
  10. I was thinking that as well, Philly was upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning this morning but it seems like it’s been a rain/sleet fest the entire time instead
  11. Pending any stray snow showers overnight which may bring an extra tenth or two, sitting right at 3.0” imby, very happy with that That’ll put me at about 9.5” on the season, which exceeds both the season snow totals from 2022-23 and 2024-24 here
  12. Snowfall here has actually overperformed my expectations, sitting at 2.7” imby with about an hour of light snow left to go
  13. Expecting 2-3” of snow here tomorrow, at this point I would just like to see the ground fully covered. Since Mid February 2022, we’ve only had probably 5-6 days at most where the snow has fully covered the ground With that said, going with 1.7” final call imby
  14. Looks like I will end up with just under a half inch at best here in Southern Ford Co from this after the 3-5” forecast was looking pretty solid early this morning. Very disappointing but after the past two bad winters I try not to let anything phase me anymore haha The biggest thing is that it looks dry after this for a good bit which isn’t ideal. Onto the next.
  15. Good to hear! It’s trying it’s best imby, just small flurries at the moment
  16. It sure is, I’m about 8 miles too far north, have yet to see a single flake today
  17. Congrats to all who cashed in today! Looks like dry air will be the winner imby, may be able to still manage to scrape out an inch tonight but we’ll see
  18. Yeah this dry air is BRUTAL, checked in on a friend who lives in Champaign and he says it’s snowing like crazy there
  19. That’s good to hear! Hopefully the northern edge can get just north enough for me here in a couple hours, going to be very very close
  20. Been noticing an area of lower totals that have been continuing to show up on multiple models now in East/NE Illinois, anyone know the reason that could be? Perhaps significant dry air getting into the system that models are picking up on?
  21. I feel ya, i’m in the same boat, I’m back at home for Christmas Break about 30ish miles north of Champaign and the cutoff is insane, a 20 mile shift north/south could mean the difference between nothing and the biggest snowfall i’ve had since Feb 2022, we’re gonna be stressing it out together lol Will be interested very soon when we can start seeing actual observations and comparing them to the modeling
  22. That definitely worries me as well being on the northern edge. At least it didn’t go any further south. I’ll take any small victory I can get haha
  23. 12z Euro seems to have upped snow totals some thru South/Central Illinois compared to the 0z, looks to be a touch north as well
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