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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. Its a long shot for sure especially I95 corridor and points southeast.
  2. The 12Z CMC is further SE than the 12z GFS.
  3. Precip type doesn't really matter this far out but it's rain to snow verbatim for the city. Also as another poster said would be snow for some of subforum at least, but it's not far off from snow to the coast. I don't want to overanalyze though because the gfs is the only model that even has a storm on 1/6 but my point is we are seeing chances within 10 days and not just non stop torch.
  4. GFS with a snow threat 1/6 CMC with a snow threat 1/9 As I said two days ago the pattern doesn't look that horrendous for January after the middle of this week.
  5. Wow urban heating at its finest, what storm was that?
  6. Considering it only hit 70 in January 3 times in the 1900s, if it hit 70 twice in three years that would be kind of scary.
  7. Thats borderline ok for snow chances in NYC in January and def ok for snow chances north and west.
  8. At this point of life I'd rather live somewhere that never hits 0 or 70. I don't like extreme temps. Guess in an ideal world I should move to San Francisco lol but then they never get snow.
  9. Its fine, often times these type of extremes lead to big storms so the warmer it is this weekend the more I think next weekend has a chance lol.
  10. Not sure if this post was in reference to snow chances or just temps but we don't really major cold to snow chances in January, just close to average.
  11. After the extreme cold earlier in the week I'll take it. Rather comfortable than cold and dry at this point of my life. Just hope it doesn't get too warm.
  12. Its similar in the summer heatwaves too, the most drastic differences between city and surrounding at night seem to be during the more extreme weather especially warmth.
  13. People already canceling winter and yet there are storm threats as soon as next weekend. I honestly still wouldn't expect anything until after mid January but winter isn't over.
  14. I'll admit this cold is more fierce than I expected here. It's 9 degrees out right now.
  15. Yea it's not dropping that fast here either, it went from like mid 40s to mid 30s in a couple of hours which is decent, thats nothing compared to the type of drops further inland.
  16. Thats why I said probably. Anything can happen but the pattern the next 3 weeks looks horrible.
  17. Well it was nice to see the 5 minute snow squall, probably the only snow we'll see again until at least Mid January.
  18. Mixing with snow now as things wind down. So odd to see the cold air rushing in from south to north.
  19. The storm next week being halfway out in the atlantic on the GFS and CMC is probably where we want it at 180 hours out the way the winter is going.
  20. Looks like backend accumulating snow becoming more likely for Sullivan county and the catskills on Friday, some possible mood flakes further southeast of there as well, looks like the further west you are the better chance. Next week looks interesting on CMC, I know it's only model showing it but thats fine I trust the CMC more than other models.
  21. I don’t think what most models are showing 7-8 days out means anything. A hit is equally likely to no hit at this point imo. In terms of precip type very much undetermined but agree with you I don’t think we can just assume it’d be snow.
  22. The CMC has actually been creeping SE with backend snow on Friday. It’s kind of getting close for the northern and western parts of the subforum. We’ll see.
  23. I’d take a sleet storm it’s better than rain.
  24. I think there will be a big drop quick but it won't be as crazy as some models are hinting. Probably end up in like the mid to upper 20s on the coast.
  25. Chicago is now mixing on the storm this week lol can't believe this was at one time out in the atlantic, the long range models are terrible.
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