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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. Probably but lets see how it plays out.
  2. I'd say moderate white rain right now, better than what the RGEM had I guess.
  3. At first I read it as midtown and was like woah.
  4. GFS/NAM were too early with precip, RGEM was too late.
  5. I expect all rain and I live just north of the city. Surprised to hear it started as snow in Brooklyn though so theres a tiny bit of hope for some flakes.
  6. Thats sorta hopeful, maybe we'll see a few hours of white rain.
  7. It's sure better model than this one, this is what it had for right now https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2023012512&fh=6&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=prateptype_cat-imp&m=gfs
  8. IMO Both sides can get frustrating, the cancel the whole month of February camp and the people who post the one model that shows snow when 9 other models show rain. Neither is particularly helpful to be repeated over and over again.
  9. What are the dewpoints? If already above freezing it’s definitely over.
  10. Late next week is our best chance. Not saying it will work out.
  11. I said if it’s not snowing by 1 pm the record at cpk is safe, we have 1:45 minutes to go.
  12. Ok it was wrong up there, seems right for the nyc metro area, it’s 11:00 am and partly sunny.
  13. I used to think you were a troll but you are usually right. I think the delivery upsets some people but you definitely are very knowledgeable about weather.
  14. Like I said well know if we see snow by 1 pm. Every model that has snow seems to have precip in by 18z.
  15. I wish I could believe these models like the gfs and NAM. I really do but I can’t.
  16. I think the RGEM is too warm but if its right it has NYC already in the 40s when precip starts.
  17. It's possible, depends how far east the overrunning makes it.
  18. Definitely, if we had more cold and this storm track we'd just be getting a bunch of snow to ice to rain events, if we had this lack of cold and storms tracking offshore we'd be getting rain to heavy snow events.
  19. If NYC is going to get measurable snow it better be snowing by 1 pm tomorrow, if not no chance.
  20. It might be overdoing the warmth along the hudson but I'd expect it to be closer to reality than some of these other models. In all the recent storms I can remember it has done very well.
  21. Maybe it does well with inland storms and not as well with coastals? We wouldn't know since we haven't had any of the latter this winter.
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