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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. I’m less not buying it because other models don’t have it and more so because it’s 240 hours out. The lack of cold air gonna likely be a problem for snow all month but a 982 coastal would definitely make things interesting.
  2. 18z RGEM tasty, an inch for a lot of the region. Can’t believe I’d be so excited if we got an inch.
  3. 12z euro caved. The snowless streak should end by tomorrow morning.
  4. Yea I remember during the early 2010s with all the blizzards 1-3 inches was considered a non event, we were so spoiled.
  5. Also going to fall at night below freezing so for once shouldn’t be any issues with sticking.
  6. Most showing 0.3-0.5 for the immediate metro area, would be enough to end the streak.
  7. It was overdone but RGEM seemed to be kind of right again as now almost all models have some light snow in our region tonight.
  8. Seems to me like some kind of ull tonight on NAM/hrrr. Given the tracks of those have been horrible all winter it would be nice to benefit from one for once.
  9. NAM has a random blob of snow tonight for our area, not even sure what it’s from but I’d take it.
  10. Going to make a world of a difference in the winter.
  11. These little surprise snow events are always the best.
  12. Hopefully the cold push is delayed and the wave Friday is able to push a little more north. Otherwise we’ll get blanked it seems.
  13. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sfct-imp&rh=2023013012&fh=120&r=us_ne&dpdt=&mc= Jeeze
  14. Ride a boat and see some snow on Saturday https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&rh=2023013012&fh=120
  15. None of the OP runs of any model have anything on Wed currently. I get something could still develop but I'm not feeling too optimistic about anything on Wed given we are two days out.
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