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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. Looks like maybe light snow Tuesday there (although it's just the long range NAM). The storm on 2/23 also starting to look potentially icing in the I84 corridor.
  2. 12Z Euro now showing ice for the interior on Wed but it's the coldest model currently. It seems to cut off the warm surge and develop a secondary. GFS in the 60s for everyone so obviously some disagreement here.
  3. Agree this is real snow verbatim with these temps obviously this could still change a lot. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sfct-imp&rh=2023021712&fh=198&r=us_ne&dpdt=&mc= https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sfct-imp&rh=2023021712&fh=204&r=us_ne&dpdt=&mc=
  4. Yea we've seen this all winter, models show front end snow, then northern stream gets stronger and stronger and ends up all rain. You also need actual cold air to get good front end snow opportunities, the boundary layer is always going to warm fast near the coast in these situations so without an artic airmass it's usually doomed.
  5. If it snowed even 1/3 as much as it snows on the long term GFS we'd probably be above average snowfall by now. With that said I do think March could be a little more interesting but then theres a part of me that says we've seen this tease so many times in the long term medium range.
  6. 0Z RGEM has ice Sunday night for NW NJ and parts of the HV. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=rdps&p=prateptype-imp&rh=2023021000&fh=84&r=us_ne&dpdt=&mc=
  7. At this point I'm rooting for it to stay south and avoid rain but I could see up around I84 where you'd want a north trend. The 12z CMC isn't actually that far off from probably being a little interesting north of NYC/SNE if it bombed out a bit sooner. The air mass is pretty horrendous though even for places North and West.
  8. Really bad timing with the storm coming up the coast just as the cold air retreats, even 12 hours earlier and it could be a different story but this is winter 2023.
  9. Depends on track/strength, it's not as simple as lack of cold air since DC gets snow on this run but definitely will need to thread the needle hard with this one.
  10. It would be odd for it to snow in DC/Baltimore be rain in Philly/NYC and then snow in Eastern CT/RI/SE Mass like GFS is showing. Not saying it's impossible but it just looks odd. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2023020718&fh=141&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=snku_acc-imp&m=gfs
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