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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. Yea maybe. I'm not sure which event will be more interesting or if either will be interesting at all but I see what you are saying about cold and all snow being better.
  2. So how many runs until this turns into a cutter? https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=gfs&p=prateptype_cat-imp&rh=2023022318&fh=204&r=conus&dpdt=&mc=
  3. Yea although reading some of the comments here you'd think north of I84 and SNE has 100 inches of snow on the winter, they haven't had it much better than us thus far. Obviously this storm could change that if it verifies as currently depicted. But really I think anyone not highly elevated and south of I90 thus far has had <10 inches snow this winter.
  4. Terrible trend https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2023022306&fh=138&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=snku_024h-imp&m=gfs vs https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2023022318&fh=126&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=snku_024h-imp&m=gfs
  5. Same impression I have. I don't have data but it just seems to often show whacky solutions and be wrong in the last two winters. Btw it cut back a lot on snow for Sat it looks like (no surprise).
  6. Yea most likely the blocking will just mean 30s and rain instead of 50s and rain. I def think you are in better shape north shore of LI than the city is with this one for some front end frozen but that's about it. I'd probably want to be NE of a line from around White Plains to maybe north shore of Suffolk County to see any meaningful frozen precip with this. The HV is a wild card because depends on the mid levels, they could do well with this or could end up a complete sleetfest there.
  7. Wouldn't be surprised if by storm time it's mixing issues for Boston and 12-15 for NNE the way this winter is going but hope this one doesn't trend that extreme.
  8. Yea I was a bit more optimistic when the models were trending south but now that they are back north its pretty much over for Tuesday south of I84 and west of the CT border, we've seen this song and dance so many times I'm expecting another 50-100 mile north tick from where everything is right now. Maybe we'll be surprised but no reason to think otherwise.
  9. Pretty terrible for Brooklyn, Queens, SI, and Manhattan. I guess not that terrible everywhere else, what a gradient near the city. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2023022312&fh=144&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=sn10_acc-imp&m=ecmwf_full
  10. Definitely. A lot of times 1-3 inches becomes 1-3 flakes to sleet to rain. Sometimes it does actually work out though. We are all I think somewhat jaded by a winter where it has not worked out once.
  11. Agree I think I once heard a saying that if the primary gets north of Ohio its usually over for NYC and points south. I seem to be in the minority here though over being ok/borderline excited for a possible 1-3 inch event, it's been that bad of a winter. I could also see how this could turn into just sleet to rain though.
  12. Verbatim looks improved over its 0Z run. The front end snow backed SW a bit, has 1-3 inches for most of LI and immediately north of the city. The low north of Toronto and a flatter secondary is not a good look though.
  13. Such a fine line because we want secondary to develop and blocking to make it not hug the coast but if it’s too Far East and squashed we will have temp issues with a primary in the lakes. Miller bs are tough.
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