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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. Yea could be noticeable difference between jfk and cpk in this setup but also may not be, all depends where the gradient sets up. Reminds me of the old days where it seems it may set up in or near the city.
  2. Thanks. That was my point if we get an advisory level snow and flip to sleet and little or no rain it would be kind of wow for this winter. Also Euro is close to warning level snow just north of the city. I get some of that may end up sleet so have to watch mid levels closely.
  3. Yea it def went north but still has decent snow immediately nw of the city. Ukie is also a model I don’t care much about but I wonder if the euro will cut back.
  4. Will be interesting to see which models win this though because the gfs is also hammering an inland snowstorm next weekend and other models are suppressed so we’ll see if gfs is having an over amped bias in this pattern.
  5. And Europe. Honestly I don’t really care what the gfs shows, it’s usually not going to be right if it’s alone. Also the 0Z gfs is def a trend in direction of other models.
  6. 0Z RGEM slightly juicier for tomorrow About the same as last run if anything slightly south/colder for Monday. Actually noticeably colder, the city/LI stays all frozen through end of the run.
  7. Yea the snow map on the gfs makes no sense and I wouldn't even consider them. Synoptically though it does look very different from the other models. Oh and the GFS is still absolutely snow bombing the interior next weekend.
  8. Yea it’s a tight gradient admittedly it looks decent Imby but very sharp cutoff at the bottom of the city. Again though I think the fact it’s on board at all or borderline is maybe a good sign because it hasn’t wanted anytung to do with giving us snow all winter.
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