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Posts posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. 20 minutes ago, Volcanic Winter said:

    I’m not really one for emotionally reasoned aphorisms, what’s possible depends on the meteorology and that changes with the patterns. Not every March is the same, not every pattern is the same, not every storm is the same.

    What I’m not suggesting is to over-invest in any one event, but rather try not to close mindedly assume outcomes are ironclad which I’ve seen a lot of this winter across all eastern forums. Dud winters happen, and this is certainly a dud winter. But that doesn’t invalidate the potential for something positive to happen the next two weeks if the meteorology supports it.

    Just how I view things.   

    I totally agree.

  2. 2 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    inland/elevated areas favored.

    It would be interesting if this happened, we haven't had a clipper in a long time.

    0.3 will tick cpk toward not breaking the record lol. 

  3. 21 hours ago, binbisso said:

    All the US models have snow for us. Nam, rap, hrrr and gfs. The euro/ukie and Canadians zippo




    If those models are correct someone in a narrow area is going to get a nice surprise but i still think those are overdone. RGEM never came on board for this. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, SnowGoose69 said:


    Its a fairly massive outlier at the moment though...even the 12Z HRRR has something at 40-48

    12Z Canadian has no interest either. I lean non event for now but am tracking it. 

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  5. Just now, brooklynwx99 said:

    this event seems to come down to how zonal the Pacific jet is. the GFS is trending towards a more zonal Pacific jet, which helps boot the S/W out of the west instead of letting it dig. this is key to getting a coastal storm here

    the trend is continuing on the 12z GFS... look at the E PAC ridge weakening and the increase in interaction between the S/W and ULL over the Pacific. look off of the CA coast. the increased strength of the PAC jet leads to a much weaker S/W this run



    I’m not calling for a hecs but the gfs is probably going to cave this time and last time I said other models would probably cave to gfs. I think we either end up with significant east coast storm or a flat weak wave. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, brooklynwx99 said:

    not all events are the same. the GFS is clearly the outlier and will be treated as such

    Agree the Ukie leans flat, the cmc is flat, the euro is a HECS and euro ensembles lean flat. GFS is most likely wrong. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Sneaky clipper with a southern lean. Euro actually misses us to the south with it.

    Good overnight timing too 

    We haven’t had a clipper in a while. The question with clippers is will the moisture make it to the coast? 

  8. Still hard to believe that CPK received only 0.9 after midnight while parts of the Bronx got 3+ from that second batch. I'm still skeptical of the numbers being that low at CPK but I guess it's possible.  

    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, snowman19 said:

    I agree. This one is going the wrong way IMO. I don’t trust the Euro/EPS anymore. It’s definitely not what it used to be

    Way too far out still to say it's going anyway IMO. The ensembles look good and that's what matters more than OP runs at this point. 

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