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Everything posted by Chris12WX

  1. Probably somewhere between 1-2”. Might be biggest storm of season so far.
  2. March and April are winter months. November & December are just fall. January is a swing month.
  3. Is it just me or does @Baroclinic Zonehave like a .900 batting average for storm threads?
  4. My god is the parade of cutters and wanna-be cutters on the GFS impressive. The mean storm track is this season is Buffalo, NY and it won't be denied. I do find it interesting that all of the systems shown never really make it into Canada as if they forgot a passport.
  5. Winters been so warm that I haven't checked the thermometer on way to gym at 6am in shorts. Regretted that a little this morning.
  6. Well at least the pattern is active.
  7. Going to be really sad when I have to tell my Grandchildren about the days when it used to snow in SNE.
  8. We wintry mix. Not even enough to whiten grass or cover sticks.
  9. Am I crazy for thinking this look verbatim isn’t great and congrats Bermuda?
  10. True. But for some reason I really noticed it last few days.
  11. Stagnant indeed. Lowest 100 feet is nothing but chimney smoke and road dust.
  12. Don’t you all realize that in the current climate regime our winter season runs from January 15 to April 15?
  13. Alright, I’m panicking. What if it happens again? What if persistence really is the best forecast? The next two weeks, forget about it. Wish we were Buffalo! And good god, next season. I don’t think I can do it again. Not another season of this same crap. Seriously, I’m really starting to panic that they bring back Matt Patricia.
  14. Honestly have we all come around to the mentality that if it’s not going to snow then it might as well torch because I don’t have time for useless cold anymore? Because I have!
  15. Don't miss the net! That bugger will never stop.
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