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Everything posted by KTBFFH1905

  1. Yep our grid area does not handle wind well. Both wood stoves will be screaming on Friday along with the genny prepped.
  2. I guess if we aren't getting a good one the silver lining is I can get to the show I have tickets for on Saturday night up in Allston. Hoping the 12/23-12/24 GFS comes true.
  3. Yep......just does not look like it gets cold enough for us. Hoping I get a little something being fairly elevated on the Canton border.
  4. Must be an agreement the news stations have with the supermarkets and package stores to induce panic buying.
  5. Winter Storm watch just popped on Fox as I watch the World Cup semifinal.
  6. Thank you! Hoping you get a nice dump up there. And I am hoping as well for you as I usually spend NYE up in Rangeley.
  7. Thank you very much. Fingers crossed indeed. Hoping New HFD can get get a good dump to start the base at Ski Sundown.
  8. I'm so incredibly torn as to wanting to finally get a good storm for my little girls to finally experience 'a big one' coupled with having tickets to a concert for Saturday in Boston area for a band that I last had tickets for on May 2020. They haven't been back to the states since. Hoping being on the Avon/Canton border and that little bit of extra elevation can deliver.
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