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Everything posted by AtlanticWx

  1. fwiw i think the sub 540 rain clipper is j because of all the pac puke still lingering around, but also j AGW yeah
  2. j wanna reiterate it's not all about the members that show a big hit over us. over 50% of the members either have a hit over us or a hit south of us
  3. locked and loaded pattern on all ensembles. when was the last time we had a 2"+ mean on all the ensembles where all the snow falls ~9 days out or further?
  4. this is super weenie but i think the pattern progression of this winter will probably go to a potentially snowy pattern in early january (i think the cap from this pattern could be 12" honestly), and then we have a slight warm up mid jan with a light snow event and then late january to february would be our big dog potential i dont wanna jinx anything but this winter is for sure looking good at this point
  5. this pattern looks really interesting. most interesting pattern we've had since jan 2022?
  6. i really doubt we get more than transient +NAO periods like this one bc of how persistent the -NAO has been since the end of last winter and the brewing possible SSW
  7. on a side note, how are the 1" stats looking like that we used in november for the state of this winter or whatever like the we need to reach 1" by this date stats
  8. wonder what the list of 4" before december 11 for ninos looks like there
  9. 1.25-2" here. msor common measurement was like 1.6" tho. still not done snowung
  10. 32.7/31.5 here in germantown. dumping snow, maybe i could squeeze out half an inch or maybe an inch if we're generous? idk. what an over performer lmao
  11. .1" here in Germantown, MD. Dumping snow with another band on the way. Maybe i can squeeze out a quarter inch
  12. these flakes are humongous, like 2-3" wide lmao
  13. damn that sucks i'm sorry, i remember yall were way colder than us initially for the most part until around 11
  14. aren't we at the same elevation tho? i'm not sure why you aren't ripping snow, i'm at 350' in s germantown
  15. been ripping snow here since 12. got a slushy coating now which was basically what NWS expected for me, anything from here out is a bonus
  16. all snow in germantown, 34.9/33.6. i think we'll see some stickage tonight
  17. rain with snow i think? 36.1 falling pretty steadily in germantown md
  18. plateauing at 36.5. i think dynamic cooling will have to do the rest of the cooling, probably gonna see a switchover at 1 am
  19. 37 deg now, can here some sleet pellets here and there
  20. what's caused surface temps to drop so much? these areas weren't supposed to change over so quickly right
  21. 38.9 degrees now. .6 degree fall in the last 5 minutes lmao
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