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About DarkSharkWX

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Montgomery County, MD

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  1. 32 on the dot and SN+ in gaithersburg! has to be the heaviest rates since feb 2024 last year when i got 2" in an hour
  2. 32.8 despite very low precip and all snow, temps arent much of an issue here anymore though i would like it to go all the way down lol
  3. my friend in oakton says its starting to stick to cars, awaiting the band here
  4. https://x.com/iembot_lwx/status/1881012605625553237
  5. new sterling AFD: As of 16Z/11AM EST, precipitation continued to expand across the Mid-Atlantic. A tight gradient in air temps had developed from roughly Norrisville MD southwest to Wintergreen VA. NW of this line, temps were roughly 31-33F with mainly snow (light accums observed); SE of this line was in the mid to upper 30s with a mix of rain, sleet, and snow (little to no accums yet). Over the Appalachians, bands of moderate to heavy snow had developed dropping visibility to less than half a mile; temps over the higher terrain in these areas were in the 20s. Freezing levels were continuing to drop per recent ACARS as well as dual-pol data from KLWX. KPBZ/KFCX radars shows moderate to heavy snow banding pivoting E/SE toward eastern WV/western MD. Colder temps/bands of heavier precip are expected to press E/SE through the day, eventually reaching the metros by 2-3PM.
  6. you didnt get all snow earlier? im 5-10 miles south of you and i was all snow for a bit, although its very light drizzle now flakes come back immediately once theres some precip heading in
  7. i mean it was slightly warmer than expected in the morning but there was barely any snow expected east of the mountains for the morning, esp closer to DC, and everything else looks on track with the cold coming in
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