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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. Bread and games for the people of Rome!
  2. When this legislation reaches my desk, I fully plan to use my power of veto. An Uber will be arriving shortly to bring you back to the appropriate regional forum.
  3. Snowing by me. Little bit of a dusting on everything but the roads.
  4. Thank you for sharing your story. You're so brave.
  5. At your age there’s no guarantee that the elasticity will return, but I can recommend some ointments if you’d like.
  6. Same here. The flake size, the duration, the daytime peak for visibility, and the accumulation put it up there with the big boys.
  7. Yup -- should be a totals enhancer for Worcester-Providence on northeast -- given how it looks, I'm not even sure my neck of the woods even gets much of a break between.
  8. I'm expecting a more NW-SE realignment shortly, which may prolong a pivot under goods for some.
  9. Welp, that about does it. This one has been ideal.
  10. I didn't expect this much attention from band after band after band. I've been in great spots for some of the absolute legends, but this is threatening to work its way into the upper registry of my favorites by the time it's done.
  11. I think that might be... a little high, but I also don't think it's out of reach in 1-2 more hours of this. I don't often do formal measurements, but I think I'm going to make an exception this evening when I go out to shovel.
  12. We're making out well today, aren't we, brother?
  13. Getting buried here in the 'ham, and the best band is moving back in for round two. Eversource robocalled me to tell me to prepare for several days without power, even though we've had no issues in this one.
  14. What goes on in that head of yours when you type? Anything?
  15. Forgive the newbie question and mostly I just lurk here, but hoping a met can answer... what's rain?
  16. Doing quite well in the middle point between 95 and 495 today... Framingham reported 10.8 at 11 AM, we'll easily surpass the foot mark if we've not already, and it looks like the best stuff will shift back over and crank for a bit yet still to come. Plus, we've not really been "out" of the good stuff yet. A nice showing.
  17. I just want to make it abundantly clear that I am under that big bright green band, just north of the pike. I'm winning, Karen. The divorce isn't hurting me now, KAREN.
  18. Can someone please come and get this deathband out of my yard?
  19. With regard to public perception and their associated adjustments in response and precaution, I wonder deeply if it matters what exact zones are covered by a blizzard warning. In my view, once somebody has a blizzard warning associated with a given storm, anyone impacted by that storm seems to think they are being hit by "a blizzard" regardless of whether or not they appreciate or verify the criteria for actual blizzard conditions. In that regard, it's all a bit mush, is it not? Come, and sit on my lap, and we shall discuss this further, unless you prefer a more carnal exchange of ideas.
  20. Well, in fairness, 24-36 is a ludicrous range. Generally speaking, forecasting that 24"+ of snow will fall in any given storm is usually on the safer end of the betting spectrum. This one certainly has duration on its side in certain areas, but beyond that it's really difficult to set 24" as the "at least" part of your range. 18"-24"? Sure. I mean, down by me, I don't think I belong in the 24-36 shading either. I should get 48+, if for no other reason than how good I look in that particular shade of purple.
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