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About Zeus

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  • Location:
    Bayville, NJ

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  1. The GFS holding serve feels unlikely. If you look at the snowfall totals for the event across the last 6 runs, it's been slipping south with each consecutive run. There's been no real "hold" run for six in a row.
  2. Regardless of exact location, both seem to slow down timing run by run. I don't mind that consistent march so far, and it seems to tie to a less strung out, more consolidated system.
  3. Hate to disappoint, but I actually don't have any alerts enabled if someone tags me in a post. I came because several models forced me to come, and really, that's how everyone should live.
  4. Show me, on the doll, where I asked. I am here to masticate the ensemble mean.
  5. Someone told me breakfast was ready.
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