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About Zeus

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  1. Not sure the word "road" has a place in that sentence.
  2. NAM is exploring the space! Give him time!
  3. I would've gone with something cuter. Something delicate. Something feminine. But instead, you're stuck with just the Tip.
  4. I have it on good authority that once you know the notes to sing, you can sling most anything.
  5. We love a good tug job around these parts.
  6. I just moved to Philly as well -- hello new neighbor
  7. And it continues on this run of the ensemble
  8. Hello you princes of Maine, you kings of New England. I bid you good morning from the far southeast land of Phila Del Phia, where it is currently snowing, and thinking of you all as the 12z GFS rolls in.
  9. At this window, the run-to-run trend over the last 4 runs is an encouraging one with respect to GEFS 24 hr precip by about 06z Sunday.
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