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Everything posted by WX-PA

  1. Their running it 4 times a day, I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I remember the days it ran only once at 12z at it was super accurate then.
  2. 8 degrees above normal in late September is near 80 if that's correct. Very hard to get to 90 past the 15th of September.
  3. 99 at Harrisburg airport, baking out here.
  4. Doesn't feel 100 outside. 99 at the airport, did it reach 100 there?
  5. GFS and Euro backed off from their 100 degree reading for next week. Mid 90's seems reasonable which makes sense for September
  6. I mean the high for Chicago on September 11th the first day of NFL football in 108 degrees on the GFS..Really that is hard to believe for September.
  7. Remember September 1980 was scorching..many days in the upper 80's but just 3 days in the 90's for the month.
  8. Climo is a big factor here..Sun isn't as strong, pretty amazing whet GFS and Euro are showing. 3 days in a row of 90 plus in September seems normal but most of the first 15 days is mind blowing. We'll see.
  9. How many times has it reached 100 in NYC in September?..Has there ever been a heat wavein September with 7 days in a row with temps above 90?...I doubt that has ever happened
  10. Typical early September temps.
  11. For the 17th to the 21st. what model is showing mid to upper 90's?
  12. Cool Summer big trough in the east till further notice. Hope this trough continues through the fall and winter.
  13. This is like 65-70 on December 21st. Very cool June weather. No signs of any prolonged heat in sight.
  14. Memorial day is like Thanksgining when it weather. A cool rainy Memorial Day doesn't mean a cool summer..Like a warm Thanksgiving doesn't mean a warm winter. We have had our share of misrable Memorial Days in the past. It's not Summer yet.
  15. Frank Field turns 100 tomorrow. The last forecaster of the 60's still alive.
  16. We are experiencing the worst winter ever. I mean everything is going wrong. MJO now looks like it will die again before phase 8 lol..Forget about late February and March..the pattern will not change until El nino takes over..The big question is can we break the snowless winter record from 72-73?..What do you think?
  17. Blizzard of 1978..the most snow I ever saw on Long Island..Measured 25 inches with 6 foot snow drifts. Still the greatest snowstorm in my life!! Today's the 45th anniversary..Cheers to the big one! For Long Island and New England
  18. Don't think so..When you deal with averages, everything balances out..The last 2 decades was not the climate for NY Metro..it was too snowy. This isn't the climate either..it's somewhere in the middle. There will be snowy, cold winters again..From 1972-1977 it didn't snow in this area. The same from 1983-1992..I went through those times, we celebrated a 3 inch snowstorm.
  19. It's our third La Nina year in a row, so you'd have to figure the SE ridge would be a major factor, which it has.El Nino can turn into a snowy, cold winter if it's weak or moderate..Strong Nino and you know it's going to be warm.
  20. This is most of the 70's.80's and 90's. I think the youngsters on the board think the climate of NYC is the period from 2000-2017. It's not. 12 inch plus snowstorms became common. IN the 70's, 80's you'd be happy for 4 inches. That would be a lot.
  21. Since some of us hasn't seen snow accumulate by the end of January it puts up some red flags..I don't know I'm over with it already. Losing interest in a hurry
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