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Everything posted by WX-PA

  1. I think it's time to start a Spring thread. Looks like the season is here!
  2. March is like September in a way..Winter lingers in March ..like Summer in September..Could get a snowstorm.. like 90's in Seprember..By the end of the month warmth starts to really establish itself like the coolnest in late September..Happy March folks!
  3. It's been cold coast to coast in January.
  4. It's been really below normal since Thanksgiving..January has been really cold. Very few people saw this in November.
  5. Snow picking up now..about an inch in Dillsburg
  6. I lived in Hanover for a year back in the 80's..great town but it had mixing problems..Too close to the Maryland border..Hope you get a decent amount today Mitch..good luck. Snowing in Dillsburg!!
  7. This winter has been ok so far. It has been colder than normal and some snow and a white Christmas for some.All thats missing so far is the big snowstorm..This winter reminds me of winters in the 70s and 80s especially with the cold.
  8. Anybody who's into this, and for me it's 59 years, needs major help!
  9. Models always do, but it's better than the 60's and 70's..expecting a snowstorm and waking up to Partly Sunny.
  10. Totally shocked you would say that..lol
  11. not once ..he's here to irritate snow lovers and as you can tell he does a great job.
  12. Doesn't mean it's going to happen with every storm from now till March..Sometimes patterns change..Yes we've been in a snow drought but it always goes back the other way..that's why they have averages.
  13. MJO was strong for phase 5 n Well you don't know that..a majority of this board in late November called for a blowtorch December including Bluewave and the rest..Trough for January is in phase 7 and 8..again it might not happen, but it;s snowing now and it might snow Christmas eve..and we got 3 months to go!
  14. Possible light snow Christmas eve on the CMC..GFS a little warmer but close.
  15. It might be a fast Pacific flow but the PNA will make it seasonable here.
  16. I live 20 mintues away..come on out and visit!
  17. In December 2010 MJO was in 4,5,6 and it was a cold snowy month..It was supposed to be warm this week it's not..Really stop looking at these 2 to 3 week long range forecasts..they are usually wrong,
  18. Where do you see that?..I see a little bit above normal after the 15th
  19. Losing December?..where?..First half of the month will be below normal temps..really don't know what your looking for?.And when it's cold it snows!
  20. Flurries and light sleet here in Dillsburg. Streamers making it pretty far west.
  21. I'd be surprised if GFS is right about Turkey Day. I mean a 6z miss?..Where have we seen that before?.And even though the parade will be wet, we do need that rain.
  22. Sun is equal to mid January..Nothing wrong with sun angle lol..BUT marginal temps seem to be the problem
  23. With snow on the ground for some?
  24. Some might see the first flakes next weekend especially inland
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