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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. Awesome find. Added to my bookmarks! Thanks.
  2. Where'd you find the data on stream flow?
  3. My place was about 3 miles to the east of the caboose on the rain train. Storms kept firing up just west of the 270/495 triangle and training over my place. 2-3 miles south of here looked completely dry. In fact, we had to convince my son's soccer coach to cancel practice because it wasn't raining at his place about 4 miles away. All summer, we've been close to similar trains, but they've been missing just north, south, west, and east. I guess it was our turn. Edit: Just noticed a 4.31" report just west of White Oak on CoCoRaHS.
  4. Yup. My ignore list is well-equipped for the regional weenies. Looks like I need to expand it to capture the tropical weenies.
  5. Nearing an inch here over the last ~30 min.
  6. Ha! I've got a beach trip in the Carolinas coming up, so I'm spreading my wings!
  7. Pretty sure that was CGI.
  8. Nice of them to break out the camera with 240p resolution!
  9. The cell north of Mt. Airy also has some rotation developing.
  10. Agreed. Very pleased by the return.
  11. Lol. No joke. My 13 yo loves classic rock (he plays guitar), and GNR is one of his favorites. Not sure what makes me feel older: that he's old enough to see GNR or that GNR is considered classic rock.
  12. Fantastic idea! Thanks! Do you happen to know if they allow traffic to exit on both Park Blvd and Hersheypark Way? Park Blvd seems like it'd be a quick way out, so I was thinking of parking near that exit, but if Park Blvd is closed, then I'll be at the end of the line.
  13. Thanks. Good to know. I was reading reviews suggesting it took some folks 3-4 hours.
  14. Has anyone been to a concert at Hershey Park Stadium? We're taking the kids next weekend to see Guns N Roses, and I've heard nightmare stories about the traffic leaving the show.
  15. I can verify that. I just measured to confirm that at the height of the rain, I could not see a house that is 65 yards away. I've never lost sight of that house before in a rainstorm.
  16. Thanks. I'm hoping it was just the extreme nature of the storm that revealed a new water intrusion path (my prime suspect is the flashing on our living room window), and not something that will leak with every rain storm. I guess I'll be putting that theory to the test in the next 20 minutes...
  17. Epic rain rates. Maxed out at 17" per hour! Complete whiteout. Couldn't see tree line less than 100 yards away. The hail core just missed us to the north. Mid-storm we had a sudden increase in winds, with gusts that looked to be in the 40-50 mph range. Unfortunately, the wind-driven rain revealed a couple new leaks into our house.
  18. I believe it. That's right near me, and the winds have already been strong this morning. I'd guess the peak gusts were close to 40. Hoping the power stays on...
  19. Nice storm yesterday afternoon. Torrential rain peaking at 6"/hr, lots of lightning (including one within a couple hundred yards), and pea-size hail. Fun way to start the season!
  20. Had some flurries here last night. Hope that will tide me over until next November (or later).
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