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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. 4.75" total here. The kids are loving the snow day.
  2. Just took a great jebwalk with my son. We're up to 1.75" here.
  3. We've hit an inch here in N. Bethesda for the first time since 3/12/22.
  4. about .6" here so far. I almost forgot how beautiful a snow-covered landscape is!
  5. It makes sense that the FU model would be the most accurate for our area...
  6. We acheived snow globe status here for a while, but no accumulation. Temps dropped 10 degrees with the passage of the front down to 34. Let's hope this is the start of a nice wintry period!
  7. .5" here in N. Bethesda. Great way to start the winter!
  8. Low of 27 here. Die mosquitos!
  9. It's nine degrees in January The AmWx crowd shuffles in There's the Jebman sittin' next to me Tellin' tales about storms he's been in He says, Dude why must it be a Miller B? I'm not really sure when it snows But it's sad when it's sleet and not measured in feet While the blizzard in New York blows La, la-la, di-di-da La-la di-di-da da-dum Bring us some snow, you're the Jebman Bring us some snow tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a KU treat But the ground ain't lookin' too white Now Bob at the bar is a friend of mine He posts snow depth maps for free But the climate's warming, and he's now squirming Cause there's some place the snow'd rather be He says, Dude, this northern trend is killing me As the snow ran away from his place Well, I'm sure that we could see a real storm If we could go up North to chase Oh, la, la-la, di-di-da La-la di-di-da da-dum Now PSU makes posts like a novelist Whose forecast cuts me like a knife And he's talkin' with Randy, who's had too much brandy And getting sick of the strife And the white rain isn't making the roads slick As the salt trucks continue to brine And the models get worse with every mouse click On the wrong side of the rain/snow line Bring us some snow, you're the Jebman Bring us some snow tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a KU treat But the ground ain't lookin' too white It's a another bad storm for a January And the forecast missed by a mile 'Cause its the new base state that's been making us wait To shovel an enormous snow pile And the storm, it sounds like an epic fail And our winter climate seems kaput As I sit in my car and look at the radar I see PSU will still get a foot Oh, la, la-la, di-di-da La-la di-di-da da-dum Bring us some snow, you're the Jebman Bring us some snow tonight Well, we're all in the mood for a KU treat But the ground ain't lookin' too white
  10. Any drizzle is excessive. If it's going to rain, just get on with it.
  11. About 1.2" last night. Strobe-like lightning and thunder. Great show. Would watch again.
  12. Thank you for your sacrifice to the rain gods. Thunder all around me, but just a quick 2 min downpour.
  13. Ended up with 3.83 for the day. Over 20% of my total for the year.
  14. Up to 3.3 for the day, and over 2.5 inches in the last 50 minutes. This has been one of the more impressive hour-long rains I've seen.
  15. Absolutely dumping in N. Bethesda. I picked up an inch in the last 15 minutes, and it's still coming down hard. Up to 1.8 for the day.
  16. Nice! Where is that graphic from?
  17. Congrats on the century. Perfect day for it. I only managed to squeeze in a quarter of a century between the kids' soccer games.
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