This is the last bit of damage I could find:,+MO&hl=en&ll=37.030441,-94.330346&spn=0.003606,0.006968&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.772232,114.169922&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=18
What are you seeing down by Granby?
It woke my wife up, and she woke me up. I felt the bed vibrating a bit. It felt pretty similar to the Germantown earthquake last year; nothing like Tuesday's.
Agreed. There is zero need to take any precautions like checking structural integrity. This is America's capital, damnit. I'm sure the buildings and subway system were built strong enough. And I am appalled that the news is covering this event. Sure, we don't get quakes this size around here but one a millennium or so, but other places get them pretty regularly. They are such pansies for focusing on it. And anyone taking pictures of their trash cans to show the impact of a weather event is definitely a pansy. Glad there's no one like that around here.
Thanks for sharing your story of that horrible day.
It sounds like you did everything humanly possible, and I have no doubt that your efforts saved many lives.