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Everything posted by RU848789

  1. Ok, woke up and saw that the radar from about 5 am to 7 am was meh and measured about 5.5" at 7 am (very tough to measure with wind blown snow even in our backyard where usually wind doesn't affect measurements that much), which meant we only got 3/4" over the last 2.5 hours. Looking at the radar now, if those bands east of us can't make it here, there's no way we're going to make it to my 8.25" prediction, which I thought was a lock at 4 am. There was always going to be a sharp NW cutoff and we may be the victim of that. 21F now.
  2. Ok, woke up and saw that the radar from about 5 am to 7 am was meh and measured about 5.5" at 7 am (very tough to measure with wind blown snow even in our backyard where usually wind doesn't affect measurements that much), which meant we only got 3/4" over the last 2.5 hours. Looking at the radar now, if those bands east of us can't make it here, there's no way we're going to make it to my 8.25" prediction, which I thought was a lock at 4 am. There was always going to be a sharp NW cutoff and we may be the victim of that. 21F now.
  3. As of 4:30 am, we're up to about 4.75" (difficult to measure with blowing/drifting snow) as we had good intensity for awhile, but then it waned, giving us 0.5" last hour. NWS forecast as of 4 am was for 4-6" more snow, so I'm thinking we'll get to 8-10", which would be a great snowstorm. All the way down to 23F.
  4. As of 4:30 am, we're up to about 4.75" (difficult to measure with blowing/drifting snow) as we had good intensity for awhile, but then it waned, giving us 0.5" last hour. NWS forecast as of 4 am was for 4-6" more snow, so I'm thinking we'll get to 8-10", which would be a great snowstorm. All the way down to 23F.
  5. As of 3:30 am, we're up to 4.25", as we got 1/2" last hour with somewhat diminished intensity, although the radar and my eyeballs are indicating intensity picking back up again now. Really want to get into some of those 1"+ per hour bands that look to only be 15-20 miles SE of me. Down to 24F.
  6. As of 3:30 am, we're up to 4.25", as we got 1/2" last hour with somewhat diminished intensity, although the radar and my eyeballs are indicating intensity picking back up again now. Really want to get into some of those 1"+ per hour bands that look to only be 15-20 miles SE of me. Down to 24F.
  7. And now up to 3.75" as of 2:30 am, for another 3/4" in the last hour. After measuring, which was difficult with the 20-30 mph winds moving the snow around so much, I went ahead and did my first shovel of the storm. I love shoveling in the dead of night without a soul around, in the perfect silent beauty of a gorgeous snowscape (in what's usually a busy town). And it gives me an excuse to be out in the snow. Was snowing moderately most of the time - we've been right on the edge of going consistently over 20 dBZ, but the band just won't quite get over us, although it's certainly better than 15 miles NW of me. Down to 25F.
  8. And now up to 3.75" as of 2:30 am, for another 3/4" in the last hour. After measuring, which was difficult with the 20-30 mph winds moving the snow around so much, I went ahead and did my first shovel of the storm. I love shoveling in the dead of night without a soul around, in the perfect silent beauty of a gorgeous snowscape (in what's usually a busy town). And it gives me an excuse to be out in the snow. Was snowing moderately most of the time - we've been right on the edge of going consistently over 20 dBZ, but the band just won't quite get over us, although it's certainly better than 15 miles NW of me. Down to 25F.
  9. So, up to 3.0" at 1:30 am, meaning 0.75" the last hour, with greater intensity, obviously, and the radar continues to look quite good, with moderate to almost heavy snow coming down - probably 3/8 of a mile visibility. Down to 27F.
  10. So, up to 3.0" at 1:30 am, meaning 0.75" the last hour, with greater intensity, obviously, and the radar continues to look quite good, with moderate to almost heavy snow coming down - probably 3/8 of a mile visibility. Down to 27F.
  11. As of 12:30 am, we're up to 2.25", for almost 1/2" the past hour and just in the last few minutes it started really picking up in intensity and I see the radar finally showing over 20 dBZ. Maybe we can get into 1" per hour rates, being not too far from the SPC's mesoscale discussion about 1-3" per hour rates through much of SNJ and the coast for the next few hours. 28F.
  12. As of 12:30 am, we're up to 2.25", for almost 1/2" the past hour and just in the last few minutes it started really picking up in intensity and I see the radar finally showing over 20 dBZ. Maybe we can get into 1" per hour rates, being not too far from the SPC's mesoscale discussion about 1-3" per hour rates through much of SNJ and the coast for the next few hours. 28F.
  13. As of 11:30 pm, up to 1.8", but only 0.3" the last hour, as the intensity let up some. Down to 29F. Radar looks like some heavier bands are en route.
  14. As of 11:30 pm, up to 1.8", but only 0.3" the last hour, as the intensity let up some. Down to 29F. Radar looks like some heavier bands are en route.
  15. Just went for a nice walk - it's spectacular out there - gorgeous dendrites sparkling under the lights outside! We're up to 1.5" as of 10:35, so 1/2" the last hour and well ahead of scheudule (1" by 1 am predicted by the NWS). Temp down to 30F. Radar looking good and finally looking good for our friends out in Hunterdon/Mercer/Somerset Counties, finally. Started to get excited about this overperforming here.
  16. Just went for a nice walk - it's spectacular out there - gorgeous dendrites sparkling under the lights outside! We're up to 1.5" as of 10:35, so 1/2" the last hour and well ahead of scheudule (1" by 1 am predicted by the NWS). Temp down to 30F. Radar looking good and finally looking good for our friends out in Hunterdon/Mercer/Somerset Counties, finally. Started to get excited about this overperforming here.
  17. Oh so that's only half from tonight's storm? Yeah, that's more like what I would've expected out there by now. Thanks.
  18. As of about 9:35, we're up to 1". Coming down close to moderately at 30F. Didn't expect to have an inch until 11-12, so feels like we're ahead of schedule.
  19. As of about 9:35, we're up to 1"!! Coming down close to moderately at 30F. Didn't expect to have an inch until 11-12, so feels like we're ahead of schedule
  20. As of about 9:35, we're up to 1"!! Coming down close to moderately at 30F. Didn't expect to have an inch until 11-12, so feels like we're ahead of schedule.
  21. As of 9 pm, we only picked up another 1/8" since 8:30 pm, as the snow let up, meaning we have 5/8". However, the radar is looking great and intensity just picked up and it's coming down nicely. Also, so far the snow that's falling is easily 15-20:1 snow to liquid, with very nicely formed dendrites making a nice fluffy snow. Not sure how long that will last, but if we can retain this kind of crystal growth in the DGZ once the precip gets heavier, we could pile up some snow quickly during the first half of the night - one of the pros on 33 said he thought we'd retain good snow growth through the first half of the storm. Down to 30F.
  22. Wow, isn't that what already half of what you were supposed to get for the whole storm (3-6")?
  23. As of 9 pm, we only picked up another 1/8" since 8:30 pm, as the snow let up, meaning we have 5/8". However, the radar is looking great and intensity just picked up and it's coming down nicely. Also, so far the snow that's falling is easily 15-20:1 snow to liquid, with very nicely formed dendrites making a nice fluffy snow. Not sure how long that will last, but if we can retain this kind of crystal growth in the DGZ once the precip gets heavier, we could pile up some snow quickly during the first half of the night - one of the pros on another board said he thought we'd retain good snow growth through the first half of the storm. Down to 30F.
  24. We got what looks to be a nice bonus band that was really thin and just happened to come right over us (see pic - Edison, by 287/TPK) from about 7:40 until 8:20 as per the pic and it put down our first 1/2" as of about 8:25 pm. Everything covered, including roads, as I was just out to get takeout (Fire and Flavor - yum!). 31F.
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