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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. None of the "clown" NAM maps showed you with 12+". Not even close.
  2. A better one would be a NAM/Euro compromise which would be just about where the RGEM is.
  3. Problem is, while it shows 30" here, the 5" line is about 10 miles away. This can easily end up like the NAM here.
  4. It's still snowing in EMA at hr 84, and if the RGEM decides to retrograde it will be closer than other models to EMA for more goodies.
  5. Finally a solution that jacks my area with 30", lol. Won't happen, though.
  6. Well, we will find out in a few days if the so-called king still reigns or is about to be dethroned.
  7. Still not over yet at hr 102. Few more inches here after that.
  8. The Ukie moved substantially west from its 12z run, too. It was the furthest E then.
  9. Happy New Year everyone. And it will be off to a good start if either the GFS or CMC verifies.
  10. Dr. Judah Cohen from Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) puts out a blog every week during the winter with a review and analysis of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and Polar Vortex (PV). In the Impacts section he discusses the possible influence from a significant polar vortex disruption on the weather across the Northern Hemisphere. This is a nice weekly summation. https://www.aer.com/science-research/climate-weather/arctic-oscillation/
  11. Look at what the 0z GFS Para has for the follow-up wave. I'd take it at this point, lol.
  12. The Para has lost it on several runs over the past few days. I wouldn't put much emphasis on the 18z for that reason.
  13. The GFS Para has been leading the way on this for days when no other model was showing anything.
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