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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. Euro still all alone for the 12th. CMC says no go.
  2. Looks like the para gave up after one run with the day 6 system, in line with the GFS.
  3. Just being consistent with its run last night showing 10 days of quiet. Actually that run was quiet for the whole 16 day period. Probably not going to happen that way, though.
  4. GFS still doesn't like the day 6 system. We'll see what the para says, if it follows thru with its last run.
  5. We need more than an 18z run of the Para. Remember, yesterday the Euro was the only one with the 12th system. They lost it subsequently. Now the Para is the only one with it.
  6. GFS looks fairly quiet for the next 10 days with a couple of clippers on the 14th and 15th. No sign of that Euro 12th hugger @ 12z.
  7. Here's the key takeaway from that article: "But it’s quite a leap to go from the stratosphere to conditions at ground level, and Cohen, for example, argues that regardless of how impressive the stratospheric warming or polar vortex movement is, “No one is going to care until there is snow in people’s backyards.”" Here is Judah Cohen's weekly blog from yesterday, which gets into this on a more technical level: https://www.aer.com/science-research/climate-weather/arctic-oscillation/
  8. On that Jan 12-13 Euro threat, of all models giving that scenario support it's the JMA, lol. The JMA goes out to only hr 192, but the look of the isobars with its position south of LI shows it taking a due E turn at that point, unlike the Euro. Upper level winds support that on the JMA. This is so far out yet that it could still whiff as the other globals indicate.
  9. It can't be any worse than what most models had at that range for the last system.
  10. The most overused two letter word on this forum.
  11. The weeklies may look good, but right now the GFS and v16 are whiff central for the next 2 weeks. For whatever that's worth, and most likely not much.
  12. If those returns in NE CT hold together, we should be snowing pretty good in about 1/2 an hour here.
  13. Going to lighten up here for a while, but some nice returns heading this way from E CT.
  14. Vis really dropped here. Snow sticking to streets now. Coming down at a good clip.
  15. Coating the grass here now, giving that still lingering pile at the end of the driveway some love, lol.
  16. What this winter has shown us so far is that the models need a lot of work in accurately prognosticating beyond 48 hours when it comes to this type of system. That means you, too, Euro.
  17. I changed the spark plug and the oil on mine yesterday, so that was probably the kiss of death.
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