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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. GFS is also the warmest model with the overnight surface temps tonight, at least in this area. Looks like they never fixed that bias.
  2. Speaking of lawns, if the plow tearing up your lawn is the price for a snowstorm I may have to rethink my love of snow. That's what happened last week to not only my lawn but several of the neighbors on the street.
  3. Nam coming in a bit E and colder, at least on the margins. No big changes.
  4. I can remember not too many years ago when the mods would give time outs to some saying similar stuff, friends or not.
  5. One way to cut down the melting, infighting, and bickering would be to start storm threads at only 3 days out. Not going to happen, but just saying.
  6. I think you're projecting as this post sure sounds defensive.
  7. I'm going out on a limb right now and saying that won't come close to verifying.
  8. We are still 3.5 days out on this, and it will take a move of only 50 miles to the east to change what that map is showing for E MA areas.
  9. I would have been more generous to SW CT, as i think they could be in the 6" area with a better thump than the rest of SNE. JMO.
  10. Yeah, if that SV snow map goes viral on Twitter, they will be flooding the supermarkets tomorrow.
  11. Up to this point the GFS op has led the ensembles. Maybe starting with the 18z the ensembles are going to show the op the way forward.
  12. Based on the qpf total here, about half would come from the thump so it could be worse.
  13. Can that Sat tell you what I have left on the ground?
  14. I wouldn't even call it a pack anymore. More like remnants.
  15. You could draw a straight line on the 12k NAM from E of the Carolinas to ME for the western edge of precip.
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