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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. Big change temp-wise in the Euro over the last 48 hrs. It had 0F here on the 2nd at 12z, but now has 33F.
  2. I think we need a March thread based on the Euro 12z run for the 2nd.
  3. I have never seen so many posters trying to get Ray more snow.
  4. If that holds on future runs, then there will be no going back to the warmer, more northerly, solutions.
  5. Watches could be going up as early as tomorrow afternoon.
  6. It's the NAM at 84 hrs, but looks good for a nice thump at least.
  7. A powerful Arctic front has engulfed the majority of Eastern Asia of late. Low temperature records are being toppled, as are snowfall benchmarks–particularity in Japan, but also in China… The Chinese city of Xiamen, Fujian province (24N) witnessed extremely rare flakes on Sunday morning — it was the first time the city had seen snow in 129 years, since January of 1893.
  8. Well, since both sides of the climate change mantra have had poor records with their predictions, why don't we just let nature take its course? It's not something that we can control anyway, despite what some think.
  9. And we all know how accurate the NAM is at hr 84, lol.
  10. Agree. According to some climate scientists, the Maunder Minimum we are now entering heralds a prolonged cold stretch of maybe 35 years, despite global warming. So unless we have some winter droughts, I don't care if a peer reviewed paper claims otherwise. It's not happening.
  11. NAM, RGEM, and ICON all trending colder for the 18z suite. Good start.
  12. We shouldn't be handing out our best and worst model awards at d14-20 either.
  13. So then we are saying the GFS op and the GEFS are both crap.
  14. The GFS ensembles at d5-d8 were no better either. Just look at their upper levels back then. Quite a difference from the Euro ensembles.
  15. GFS has been quite steadfast for the last 3-4 days now. It will be a big cave if and when that happens.
  16. If "substantially" is 20 miles or so, ok. But CMC was 20 miles south. That was comparing at hr 120.
  17. True, but the GEFS looks even better to me. So again, let's look at the ensembles if not the op.
  18. And aren't we always told to look at the ensembles, not the op... 6-7 days out?
  19. The United Kingdom's Met Office is expecting wind gusts as high as 100 mph Friday in coastal areas of western Wales and southwestern England, according to BBC.com.
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