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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. RGEM went the opposite of the NAM - much more robust at 18z than at 12z.
  2. Setting up another battle between the Euro and GFS.
  3. FV3 is all alone with this scenario: But we'll take it.
  4. He also said this right after that: "Wasn't that long ago many were wishcasting this warmth away because the MJO was going to be in phase 8 during early-mid Jan. There isn't a significant signal for Eastern US cold w/ phase 8 MJO, but there's a good/significant chance for warmth if the MJO reaches phase 4-6 in Feb" One of the mets here was pushing that phase 8 last week.
  5. Given the weeklies track record thus far, I wouldn't put my hopes on them to save this winter. We need extraordinary changes, not just big changes. Big changes have a way of disappearing as we saw in December.
  6. I'm ready to move on to the February discussion...
  7. As long as that PAC jet keeps slamming the west coast, all that PAC air infiltrating the country doesn't bode well for big snow events for most of us.
  8. Our snow drought has perhaps led to the Sierra Nevada mountains snow gain. Sierra Nevada snow pack is nearly 200% of its usual level at this time of year.
  9. This could ruin your day on a leisurely drive. Several large boulders that fell onto Highway 50 lie in the street just east of Kyburz during a storm in El Dorado National Park, California, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023. No vehicles were hit.
  10. I'm open to anything with even a remote chance at this point. Not that this is a remote chance.
  11. We've seen how the "ifs" have been working out thus far this winter.
  12. Here's a 13 day GEFS that was pretty much right on the money. Funny how that seems to work for torches.
  13. About all this shop owner can do is wait for a thaw:
  14. If you're talking about the GFS, forget it. We know how their 8-day threats have turned out lately, let alone a 10-day threat.
  15. Yeah, it will give me a chance to get the rest of the leaves that blew in here last week from neighbors who were too lazy to pick them up in November.
  16. Looks like we're dead in the water here at least through mid January.
  17. I never saw any news articles saying Biden closed all the fossil plants in Texas. There are always extremist sites that will put out this bs, but most people ignore those sites.
  18. Yeah, the Interior Department is giving money to Native American tribes to help them relocate away from areas that are vulnerable to climate change, potentially creating a model for other communities around the country. I want some money for my area that the awful climate change has kept snowstorms away from lately.
  19. After reading this in the second sentence of the article I stopped reading: "According to NASA, 2022 was one of the hottest years ever recorded on Earth." Given the short history of recorded temperatures on earth, this was meant to scare people about the global warming craze. Considering the source, "Wired", I'm not surprised.
  20. It looks more and more like the only places in SNE that will have an official white Christmas will be ACK and possibly MVY thanks to OE following the storm.
  21. For the Midwest and Plains, let’s see how those windmills without "cold weather packages" and solar panels work now…
  22. This looks more like a threat to spoil a nice day at the beach in Bermuda.
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