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Everything posted by vortmax

  1. Heat advisory for 4 days. Anyone ever seen that before around here?
  2. Hoping a couple of cells make it across the lake:
  3. I would argue that a mask helps the wearer just as much as it prevent them from touching their mouth, nose, even rubbing eyes - main virus entrances.
  4. Bring it on, just don't wake the kiddos thunder!
  5. Lol, I'm thinking today is Friday. Been a busy week! BUF talking about potential MCS...we know how the last one turned out!
  6. Potential for some nice elevated warm-frontal storms overnight...
  7. I was thinking the pre-frontal stuff would strengthen more...hardly any lightning with it.
  8. The atmosphere is warming up nicely...could get interesting in a couple hours.
  9. Keep up posted Delta...Severe storm right on your doorstep.
  10. An antibody test wouldn't be as effective so close to the actual illness. I've seen recommendations taking it 2 weeks after symptoms disappear.
  11. Regarding grounding, here's a cool 'grounded' mouse pad. Simple way to get some free electrons while on the computer.... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MNG6MRK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3M23BJZDZS43T&psc=1
  12. If this were happening to a significant amount of relatively healthy people, I'd be more concerned.
  13. I do. Very nice on those cooler summer nights. Used a grill cover on it for the winter...put the grill in the garage.
  14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/ I think there's another I posted a couple pages ago...didn't read through them all, but there is some interesting data. We know that inflammation is a significant contributor to may health issues.
  15. Breastfeeding is such a good thing for infants - this being one of those! We've experienced the same with multiple kid and the Croup & RSV. Babies had minimal symptoms and quick recoveries.
  16. Yup, BIG difference between CBD and THC. Not molecular, but the way it binds to our CB1 receptors causing the psychoactive effects. I'm all for medical use of CBD oil, but there's no medical need for THC.
  17. Promise to keep posting model runs here in the winter.
  18. "There have been no new cases of the novel coronavirus among the hundreds who flouted social distancing guidelines and attended pool parties at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend, a state health official said this week." Could be something to the whole outside, pool, beach thing...
  19. Anyone have a link to the damage reports from the NWS?
  20. They fizzled out right before hitting. Looks like the south end of this MCS is hitting PA quite hard.
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