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Everything posted by vortmax

  1. Lol, I thought you guys were talking about Totals Totals mentioning TT. Nerd alert.
  2. That doesn't seem to match their discussion wording but oh well. "but a risk ofs leet and freezing rain south of Lake Ontario."
  3. So thankful we don't have to deal with that kinda weather, fascinating as it is.
  4. I would stay away from off-topic. Lots of angry people over there.
  5. Anyone thinking these returns are mixing down? No tstorm warnings.
  6. Such a bad look for Amazon. Clearly management didn't heed the warnings. Wow. Sad. $15/hr isn't worth your life.
  7. Thinking this indicates a stronger synoptic situation for everyone or just a more favorable wind direction for ORD?
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