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Everything posted by vortmax

  1. Everyone focuses on their own areas. Especially for lake effect. Just how it is and it's quite alright. Embrace the fun.
  2. Started snowing up on the lake now. Just turned to sleet. Crap! jk
  3. That's crazy! How'd you get the graph from your Tempest?
  4. So KBUF said the precip is coming an hour early. Is that because of the storm moving faster or a larger precip shield?
  5. Trying to understand why the HRRR jumps the LP to the coast, weakens the primary, then re-strenghtens it, and ultimately merges the 2 again further west. Anyone wanna explain that one??
  6. Yes, I just edited. Still weaker so far. Will this thing really retrograde NW and then go due North into C-PA? Not sure.
  7. See my post? Surface map at 21z had the LP at 1000mb, the 3k NAM at 21z was 993. EDIT: 23z surface is now 996 (like you said), 3k NAM has it at 994. The move the LP NW a bit then due North. Hmm.
  8. 979 in Central PA?? Wow, is this thing trending stronger on the current surface map? 1000mb double barrel. Is this jumping to the coast early?? 18z NAM at about the same hour is 994....WAY over-amped... 3k NAM has the LP at 993 at 21z (surface map above is 21z - 1000mb)
  9. And I'm starting this event off with grass not covered this season yet.
  10. I'm no pro, but I would be shocked if there were any sleet mixed in that.
  11. Doesn't anyone think there will be enough dynamic cooling in the def zone to prevent any mixing? I mean we are talking about a rapidly deepening 980 low.
  12. I'm being greedy, but would really like to see the US models cave.
  13. Didn't really change much from 18Z. The RGEM really keeps that Def band more west - east along the South Shore. Hmm.
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