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About konksw

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    District of Columbia

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  1. Ya but have no expectations of that in DC for this one so I’ll take what I can get!
  2. I don’t particularly care about accumulation in November but just being able to have that snowglobe look for a while Friday would be a real treat.
  3. It was a pretty short niño though.
  4. La Niña tends to be drier doesn’t it? We’ve had a lot of La Niña over the past 5 years.
  5. The haranguing about the exact landfall point feels like missing the forest for the trees with regards to the ultimate worst impacts of this very large storm.
  6. They haven’t had much to talk about.
  7. Hope it holds together. Really flying.
  8. Enjoyed the taste of fall last week but boy has this weather been boring since the TC remnants.
  9. Just got the flash flood warning alert to my phone. Absolutely incredible amounts of rain falling.
  10. Wild tropical downpours in DC right now!
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