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Everything posted by Rainforrest

  1. Ground getting white moderate fine flaked snow.
  2. 3” of snow and moderate sleet for the last hour. Hoping for another burst of snow on the rail end.
  3. Just over an inch here. Yeah we need more heavy returns.
  4. Cars starting to whiten up. Steady light snow.
  5. Matches up with the 4-8 the nws is forecasting for me.
  6. I don’t buy the 1-3. I think the southern escarpment has a chance to jackpot when all is said and done. I hope anyways. lol.
  7. Let’s go guys!! Best looking setup we’ve had since January 2022.
  8. Tornado warning flood warning 3.57 “since midnight and 7.06” for the event.
  9. Dang moderate snow falling here this morning. Maybe a .25-.50”
  10. Picked up .61 yesterday and last night of good upslope steady rain.
  11. Hey guys me and family made through ok with only minimal damage how I don’t know with as much rain and wind as we had. Other parts of the county looks devastated. Cell service is really bad. I’ll post some pics later.
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