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Everything posted by Jaguars

  1. God bless her but Janice Huff has no clue .
  2. the real game looks to be the precip betweetn Harrisburg and Allentown, that’s the show .
  3. 36 in Larchmont. Was 42 at Grand Central getting on the train 45 minutes ago .
  4. If I get 8-9 in Larchmont ala GFS, it’s the new undisputed king.
  5. Weird looking presentation on radar, looks like it has tentacles. .
  6. Would not know a storm was coming by the weather right now in Soho. Chilly but brilliant sun. One of the nicest days in a while honestly. .
  7. I think the precip shield staying tight will be key for the city and LI. If anyone besides the NAM was showing the warming / fragmented precip I’d be concerned about mixing up to the coast. But at this point I’d be surprised if anyone White Plains northward mixes. .
  8. I think someone on here was commenting on not really seeing evidence of a cat 4 conditions…..
  9. This. Ultimately a city built below sea level and South of a gigantic lake is going to near impossible to mitigate given the aforementioned infrastructure from any storm like this. That is why a more coherent and effective evacuation plan is critical, and why this was not better executed Is beyond me.
  10. It’s hard to look at this motion and see how New Orleans doesn’t take a near direct hit with at least the NE quadrant of the eye wall. Looks like Ida is going to thread the needle between Houma and NOLA.
  11. Euro and GFS seem to be struggling accounting for Ida’s intensity surge
  12. Absolutely bombing out at the worst possible time. Hope most folks got out of NOLA
  13. Somewhat incredible that it curved around Tampa Bay and moved on a line due north from there. No easterly component of any kind detected.
  14. Are you surprised by that considering the shear it’s undergoing?
  15. Elsa actually looking like a hurricane for the first time
  16. Elsa looks like two disjointed tropical storms stacked on top of each other
  17. Euro coming in hot with a borderline cat 1 near Cedar Key
  18. On current trajectory maybe it just misses the higher mountainous region in southern Cuba. Seems like it would really be drawing a straight to shoot the gap and clear the worst of Hispanolia and Cuba. I’d still think it’s more unlikely but maybe not totally unrealistic with the current motion.
  19. What do you want to know? Oh jeez, is this about me not supporting card check?

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