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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Where was this during winter. This pattern screams backdoor fronts
  2. Not with the blocking pattern. I think NNE may see snow into May this year.
  3. Yes true. Personally I'm good with the hotter weather holding off until late May and June. 60s & 70s are perfect right now.
  4. Weather-wise it doesn't look too bad though. Mostly 60s for highs with a couple 70+ days and pretty dry. Probably not far from normal overall when averaged over next 2 weeks
  5. Some strong backdooring showing up now. 70+ days will be hard to come by
  6. Last freeze of the season most likely at 29F
  7. I'd rather see the Nam play out then hope for mangled snowflakes
  8. Yes but there's a reason why we're getting the spring blocking during spring and most of it stems of AGW impacts
  9. Not unusual. April has always been huge for Maine
  10. The 80s were well advertised several days out.
  11. Top 10 day today as tomorrow's more cloudy/rainy followed by a 3-4 day cool spell
  12. Down to 63 from a high of 86
  13. That seems unusually high. I don't see any other location hitting that.
  14. Bleh this is just making the allergies and bugs worse. Save it for June
  15. Feeling good and summery in the low 80s here in Jersey
  16. Too warm when it's not summer. I'll take tomorrow's weather over today. Hopefully we get some storms out of it though.
  17. In about a month or so it'll be 80+ everyday for the next 4 months. Summer is just around the corner
  18. Interesting gradient over NJ. Was just in SW Jersey where temps were near 80. It's about 69-70F where I'm at.
  19. Very summer like next couple days. Forecast showing mid 80s on Thursday. Not surprising to see such early heat, we've had 90s in April before.
  20. Easter is looking chilly this year relative to normal despite being one of the later Easters we've seen.
  21. Crazy that the solar output is now the same as August 31
  22. We're still several degrees AN for March 1 - April 9. It hasn't been a cool spring at all and this coming week will further solidify that.
  23. Tue-Thurs-Fri will see 70s minimum with Thursday touching 80+ Average May temps are in the low 70s
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