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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I guess it depends on what you define as heat as things will definitely get muggy and warm. However heat waves and 90+ temps look uncommon for now.
  2. Looks like I bottomed around 50F, very impressive after 93F on Friday.
  3. Yes impressive for it to happen under a non onshore flow pattern a few days from the solstice.
  4. I love this weather but I'm sure there's a lot of unhappy people about the very non summery, blustery 70F day.
  5. It's cold aloft and will continue getting colder. Self destructive sunshine so anything above 70F will be a struggle
  6. The crash would've happened no matter who was in charge. Poor pandemic fiscal & monetary policies guaranteed it. The excess money printing was done under Trump & he wanted another 2K in stimulus. Funny enough Dems would've been better off long term if Trump got re-elected as all the blame would've been geared towards Republicans.
  7. It's likely gonna roast till September. There's been much cooler Junes than this. In fact I'm pretty sure everyone's still above normal and that's with the higher averages.
  8. Not often you see low 50s this time of year. Probably won't see that again until late August or September.
  9. Ensembles going stronger on the blocking and once again limiting the heat surges
  10. I'd be cautious buying into this given the flip flopping models have been doing though at some point I'd imagine the heat out west would get here.
  11. It's only mid June. Peak heat is still over a month away
  12. Risk off environment. Assets will continue getting recked until Fed pivots. Housing crash is just starting too.
  13. Ensembles reverting back to omega high structure Very cool father's day weekend coming up
  14. I often forget our first average 80F+ temperatures aren't until mid June.
  15. Wow at the Nam with regards to the MCS
  16. Hopefully we get some severe out of this. Friday looks interesting. MCS on Tuesday as well but that should stay south.
  17. It's still above normal though just not grotesquely so. Chances are the month finishes close to normal or even somewhat above
  18. The theme has been wet here dry to our north so I'd be surprised if we didn't get soaked on Thursday
  19. Yeah but once the sun goes down March cold can feel just as brutal as January.
  20. And she's gone again. This is not a torch pattern. So far there are no signs we get that even deep into June. Try again next month
  21. Some nice severe maybe 2nd half of June. Looks like a ring of fire setup
  22. We're a few degrees above normal and look to stay that way. The only thing we're avoiding is the 90+ excessively hot/humid weather.
  23. The plains ridge could eventually cause a large heat release if it keeps building. Maybe we'll see very hot days but of shorter duration
  24. The Pacific NW pulled 110+ temps over a multi-day period. Sooner or later that type of stretch will make its way here
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