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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Yeah this could quickly spin up. BoC has been an extremely favorable area of development
  2. First D2 drought severity for me in several years.
  3. There's a good chance this will go down as the hottest summer on record for many stations. The rest of the month looks very warm to hot
  4. I don't know if Newark can take the top spot but the second spot is def in the cards. Definitely a lot of near 90 potential rest of the month and September always gives us a few 90s too.
  5. East coast is a target with waves coming off further north than usual and the subtropical ridge anchored north of its typical position
  6. So how do you explain 2013? Well below average ACE, non-El Nino Following winter was cold & snowy
  7. If I had a dollar every time I heard that this summer I'd be rich. We are getting closer to some of the bad drought years but I assume the heavy rains of the past decade will keep us afloat for a while. Reservoir levels still look ok.
  8. Ensembles clearly sensing a burst of activity soon and right on cue too. Lid always comes off after the 20th.
  9. Very likely we might not see rain for another week or so and more upgrades in drought severity seem likely
  10. Very noticeable differences too in the red zone where I live and places down the shore Everything is brown here while there's plenty of green in those areas.
  11. So how much longer before the stein meme is no longer funny but a real concern. When fire season hits?
  12. The drought pretty much guarantees we'll see many late season 90s. The 95+ stuff might be done but the near 90 heat will stick around for a while. I also see a rapid summer to cold season transition. Very active fire season too if we get into mid September with little rain.
  13. It looks like our drought will worsen with very little rain coming and temperatures warming later this week back to near 90.
  14. Tropical, no but at the very least it's a hybrid/sub-tropical. Its origins are over the very warm gulf stream.
  15. Looks subtropical actually. Need to see other models though.
  16. That looks very Nino-ish as does the quiet tropics
  17. Looking at OP/Ensembles there are strong indications the season picks up after the 20th. Nice broad Atlantic ridge looks to set up with waves underneath. Shear also dropping in MDR region
  18. Not good for continued drought if the GFS is wrong but we do get these excessive dry periods every now & then.
  19. I have a feeling this will tuck closer to the coast. If this were winter I'd be worried
  20. Half the country is usually still in the 80s going into October However if the GFS is right it would feel more like October Mon-Wed
  21. At some point fire issues may be a thing with the continued dry conditions especially if things don't change heading into September/October.
  22. Back to just regular heat
  23. I mean though a quiet season would be extremely boring, it would be good for everyone dealing with high energy prices & inflation this year. However I'm still waiting for August 20-22th. That's the period when the switch normally happens and you'd be surprised how quickly the tides can turn.
  24. The heat wave ended yesterday if we're being honest. 95+ should be the criteria. 90F is basically normal in today's climate.
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