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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Holy crap GFS. That's Dec 2015 type heat for November Insane anomalies, 80s for highs
  2. Nice to see the EPS completely get rid of the pig in the LR. That should translate nicely late November into December
  3. We've had colder mornings & days this month
  4. I'm in central NJ and we're basically peaking. Being more inland helps
  5. This has been the best foliage in years and a combo of mild weather & lack of major windstorms should keep it going for some time.
  6. We have an energy crisis. The warm weather is good for everyone especially Europe. But if you're a winter lover then at least the crappy pattern is happening in November vs when it matters.
  7. The climate Armageddon is upon us
  8. Given how warm the first half of November will be, I think when the pattern changes we'll go right into winter. Unless of course the warm weather locks in like 2011 but I don't think it will.
  9. Get ready for weather's five stages of grief.
  10. That's way off even in NJ. It's easily in the high-peak range here which means it's def peaking further north.
  11. December 2015 heat but in November? The warm anomalies are off the charts 1st half of Nov Highs in the 70s to Vermont, lows in the 60s up to Canadian border
  12. Could a piggy still work if there's a good +PNA?
  13. Mild is fine but I hope it's not a harbinger of a crappy winter. The cooler October & mild November is very Nino like though.
  14. Clouds & showers will put a lid on maximum temperatures.
  15. Yeah maybe more dewey upper 50s and 60s. Other models less pessimistic
  16. Over top ridging on Euro. Probably 70s up into NNE next week I imagine that's near record territory
  17. If Nov/Dec torch then it might as well be 11/12 imo. If Nov torches but Dec is good then ok. Good chance a bad pattern in Nov/Dec will continue rest of winter. Turnarounds are rare
  18. 60s & 70s for several weeks...sounds great
  19. At the very least it might bring some change to this dull pattern. And I don't think the differences are as drastic as one might think with NJ vs SNE especially northern NJ. NW NJ can easily be snowier & colder than eastern portions of SNE.
  20. Raindancewx feels the same and he's a great forecaster
  21. West looks like garbage already. Low heights from Alaska to the entire west coast If that locks in expect pacific puke yet again so not feeling very optimistic
  22. And he's been more right than wrong. The last decade+ has been very warm and these Ninas produce more of the same each season.
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