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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Nice recent ensemble runs. They're really hitting the Arctic blocking strong. Looks like this week's cutter may initiate a wave break that forces a -NAO/AO. Still a little too east-based for my liking but not bad. Looks good for SNE & north though.
  2. It's a pattern that could break in any direction. Amount of SE ridging will be key here. We need to root for 2010 style blocking to overcome the ridging which is a tall order. This -PNA/NAO/AO pattern would work better in January with colder climo
  3. If you bring that up you get called a weenie & dumb. The trends are not good and even SNE isn't safe in such a marginal pattern
  4. Don't worry everyone at the New England forum says winter is coming
  5. It doesn't hurt to hedge your bets. Personally think it'll be a longer waiting period. I think January will be good for all.
  6. It's ideal hoodie weather which is my favorite. I wouldn't mind it staying in the 50s until there's a snowstorm
  7. Yeah the ops are Euro too. Do yourselves a favor and avoid looking at them for a while. Though on second glance you can see where the Euro is headed days 9-10
  8. Nice teleconnections today. Falling AO/NAO and even a PNA trying to rise to neutral? MJO also briefly curling into phase 8 as well. Looks like after Dec 5 is when things could get interesting.
  9. It comes down to whether we can avoid the extreme RNA pattern of last year + whether the strength of Atlantic blocking could suppress SE ridge enough to allow for snow events. GEFS going back and forth on strength of blocking. New runs look better
  10. That would be nice even down here. I just hope it holds
  11. That is a nice look if it holds. Some shades of 2010 in there
  12. In January that would work. It's tougher for us in December. That's better for New England
  13. GEFS pulled back some. Patience will be needed
  14. I'd rather see no snow at all than have to witness that. Crushing
  15. I'm used to a crappy decade of December snows so expectations are extremely low every year. The 2000s are a long memory now. But it's good to see areas to my north cash in early, build up some snow cover, get that colder air in. It doesn't hurt.
  16. You don't think there's a chance it trends stronger as we get closer to December? Maybe not Dec 2021 levels but still strong
  17. An early guess but think we'll have to wait til January for any meaningful snows. The Pacific doesn't wanna play ball. I also don't like the MJO curling back towards phase 6.
  18. It'll be December by then. More than NNE should be getting snows
  19. Pattern looks like crap for snows outside of NNE. So far looking like a copy of 2021
  20. Looks like a repeat of last winter We need a major ENSO overhaul to get something different
  21. Looks like we'll get our mild late November to early December period after all.
  22. Probably too many competing influences I'm just gonna use ensembles only and no Ops beyond 3 days
  23. Model performance has been awful. You really can't take any solution seriously past 3 days.
  24. You need a good airmass in place ahead of the system for November snows to work out Also blocking is fairly weak and doesn't lock 50/50 low in
  25. Ingredients are there for a powerhouse system but any frozen will likely be reserved for NNE and high elevations
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