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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I think that's the period to watch. Another AO drop and PNA goes up. I could care less what a day 10 ops run shows. If it showed a blizzard people would say it's wrong.
  2. I think the Pacific will always be a problem this year but I also think the Atlantic blocking will stick around. Usually bouts of -4 AOs in December have blocking later on as well. So Jan-March will prob be the best timeframe for us to get a big snow event because we don't need an amazing Pacific.
  3. He's probably going to be right. The blocking forecast is in rarified territory and even moreso if we dip below 5 which is possible. Things will be more clear after we get Friday's system out of the way
  4. Ensembles looked pretty good to me. It can take time for snows to show after the big AO drop. The lag time ranges from a week to over a month. In 2010 we had to wait til after Christmas for our big storm.
  5. It's closer to a SWFE/Miller B than a cutter. At least northern parts of the area still have a shot at snow.
  6. Idk if that will hold. Models have had a tendency to dump the trough out west first, a common Nina theme. They're doing that after the Friday storm now when they had ridging out west in earlier runs.
  7. Some take it under 5. Now that's extremely rare territory if it happens. It would be shocking if this pattern didn't eventually produce
  8. This pattern + Nino would bring an infinitely better result. I'm done with the Ninas...kill them with fire.
  9. So far this is the most disappointing blocking pattern I've ever seen. Euro & GFS now shove a big trough west after the 16th storm which is not good. That's been the theme too with models underestimating the western trough due to the RNA pattern. I wonder if we'll have to wait until 2nd half of winter now when we can get away with a bad pacific.
  10. Probably the most important indicator for December in our region especially in a Nina
  11. I'd say odds are better than usual for positive trends
  12. It's not out of the question that things could trend more favorably given blocking in place. We are still 4 days away.
  13. Probably Christmas week that'll be in the cards. We hit a rare -4 or lower AO which only happens in the snowiest of winters.
  14. It was always after mid December where the best pattern would begin. Anything before that was a bonus
  15. GEFS look phenomenal after the Friday storm
  16. Yeah I thought maybe we'd luck out on the 16th but that primary has always been a stickler and not even a strong block will be enough. Things look great beyond it with plenty of cold air coming down and a favorable blocking pattern. A really good few weeks likely
  17. I thought maybe the primary would keep trending south but that wasn't the case. So the wait continues.
  18. That's very possible. The primary was always an issue and the 50/50 ain't great.
  19. Very unique setup. Can't remember seeing many storms like this.
  20. The primary being so far north to start is the problem but its been trending south over time. But like you said lots of time for changes. GFS on an island right now.
  21. Feeling more confident about a miller B transfer off Delmarva. Surface temps a bit iffy for immediate coast but still good.
  22. The GFS went from a deep trough to ridge in one run. The GFS is garbage
  23. GFS imo is completely mishandling the ULL in the Atlantic. CMC/Euro have been far more consistent. CMC would be really nice for everyone
  24. Even regular Nam starting to pick up on the norlun signal
  25. The Arctic blocking is strong but the NAO isn't and it will be weakening gradually. This is not as extreme as 2010
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