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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Just give the severe weather then. Hurricane gusts and massive temp drops. I'll take interesting over boring
  2. It's usually better than December due to colder ssts and different wavelengths. We can get away with a bad pacific in March
  3. Probably longer. Ensembles show a massive Alaskan vortex. If that happens the first half of January would be toastj Just garbage all around.
  4. Makes you wonder if we'll ever be able to get snow with so many conditions against us
  5. At this point I'll take the extreme cold front. At least it would be interesting
  6. Not if that solution verifies
  7. CMC has the strongest arctic front we've seen in years. From 60+ to single digits in 12-18hrs along with 50-60+ gusts
  8. Very dramatic changes. I think we need to see a few more runs before saying it's done.
  9. It doesn't always happen right away. Sometimes it can take over a month and December hasn't been kind to us. But it is what it is. Also not every strong -AO has led to a snowy outcome especially in a Nina
  10. Yeah models runs suck today. PNA gets going too late. It showed this a couple days ago. We'll see if it reverts or stays this way.
  11. The CMC is just an arctic front
  12. Euro tends to overamplify systems in the LR, which is why its latest run makes me skeptical. Not saying it won't be a hugger but I'd be surprised if the Euro's evolution played out.
  13. Idk what everyone's complaining about. I wouldn't want a perfect hit this far out on the models
  14. I hope you realize how rare 4"+ snows are in December for your area. Hell NYC struggles to hit freezing until mid-late Dec
  15. Sounds like you think it'll track inland. Certainly not discounting that given Atlantic warm pool. It's likely why we've had to wait til Jan/Feb to get a significant snow event at the coast lately
  16. GFS went east this morning. Euro is over amplifying as usual. I think we're in a good spot
  17. Euro over amplification bias in play. Latest GFS is more east. I like where we're at right now
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