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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I highly doubt we'll see that. Winds rarely get as strong as forecast. Usually models tone it down as we get closer. 40-50mph is more probable Some places could get near 60 though if the warm sector really over performs
  2. 06z GFS looked even worse for gusts than Euro but I'm not sure
  3. This mornings GFS is a flash freeze with 60+ gusts possible Temps crash from near 60 to teens in 6-12 hrs
  4. You're a troll Temps crash from 60 to teens in 18hrs. That's a massive pressure gradient
  5. I see. Sounds like more bad luck then. I gotta check raindancewx again. He might be on the money again though I'm pretty sure he had a warm December
  6. I thought you said that wasn't a factor for your region.
  7. 2C would be really bad. We're just around 1C and things are already terrible
  8. It'll still take decades until nuclear fusion become viable A lot of time for AGW to worsen. Maybe nuclear power could buy us more time
  9. Living in an alternate reality I'm guessing
  10. It should be pretty easy to pop 50s if there are SW winds even with a lot of rain/clouds
  11. It's hard to deny the effects of AGW. That ridge will eventually be responsible for a Major hurricane slamming directly into us
  12. CONUS wide too so at least everyone's getting screwed. Maybe it's a good thing given recession/inflation. Low heating costs. If models are correct then give me a prolonged spring.
  13. A complete overhaul of the ENSO state is a must. These Ninas are a no-go
  14. As our the warm SSTs to our east. That's definitely amping up the ridging east of New England
  15. All the teleconnections were good and December was still shit. I'm not feeling very confident based on what ensembles show. Either way it'll be another several weeks of waiting If things don't start improving by mid Jan then a ratter becomes very likely
  16. Some serious mega torches showing up on ensembles and ops to start January. Massive Alaskan vortex
  17. Yeah it's better but still has a lot of work to do.
  18. Do you think there's any way for January to be a snowless torch
  19. The shortwave does come in while the PNA is going up. The PNA ridge isn't very established until a couple days after A stronger, established PNA probably could've counteracted the ridge east of New England. At the very least the very cold airmass post cutter should help cool off some of those warm waters
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