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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Probably one of the highlights of the system. The flash freeze could work out Lots of ponding too
  2. It's not done yet and just because you didn't experience anything major doesn't mean it's not significant. A lot of places are seeing major coastal flooding right now. A lot of places have already had 50+ gusts. The temperature drop will be very significant. From mid to upper 50s to single digits with wind-chills in the -10 to -15 range.
  3. Just bad timing with the new moon and peak surge. Some spots worse than Irene
  4. We hit 57F today and if the forecast stays on track we could drop to 10 or lower within 24hrs so a 45+ drop which would rival records.
  5. Yea I noticed the winds pick up in the last hour. Makes sense with warm sector punching in.
  6. I don't think many are ready for subzero wind-chills tomorrow because it's really gonna suck. That wind will cut through like a knife
  7. I notice this happens during strong CAD, onshore flow in the spring/early summer & with arctic fronts otherwise temps will usually be warmer than forecast
  8. Decent chance we stay in the teens on Saturday
  9. Lol it barely snowed in the 80s
  10. Not great if the strong winds verify.
  11. I doubt it stays there very long. This is not 2011/12 where it's parked all winter. The pessimism is a little much. If it's a ratter then so be it but declaring winter over when it barely started is silly imo.
  12. Yeah the impact this time will be significantly worse than their previous lake effect storm. It's much colder, winds will be ferocious and there's even lake flooding expected.
  13. I think that's ridiculously premature to declare. Most of our snow comes from a couple storms which is very possible Jan 15 - March 30. We'll know by mid Jan what the future might bring and if it looks shitty with no improvement in sight then I'll give it to you.
  14. Despite the very cold anomalies coming, I actually think the warm anomalies for Dec 30 - Jan 10 will be even greater. I think one or two days could even make a run at 70+
  15. I think most places will gust to 45-50mph fairly easily & frequently But higher localized gusts up to 60 mph are also possible probably near the coast and ahead of the arctic front. That could be a problem given 1-3" of rain could fall ahead of the winds. We even have Flood Watches up. Models also hint at flash freezes with moisture still present as temps quickly dive below freezing.
  16. We should see more muted drops here but could definitely see a 15-20F drop over 20-30 minutes.
  17. We're looking at most of this forum seeing an inch or less of snow through mid Jan by the looks of it. Some dire futility records despite a -4 AO this month. I'm feeling 2012-2013 vibes though and there's a strong possibility that blocking will return 2nd half of winter. Hell in this climate we could see nothing til Feb and still score 35-40" with a couple storms.
  18. Yeah I think Jan 1-10 is likely skunked but we'll probably flip again. This has been a very variable fall/winter already with a colder October to very mild November to likely BN Dec now back to AN. I'm prob done with the tracking, the models and the forums after Dec 27. Will come back Jan 15 to hopefully better news.
  19. You're not worried about the coupled Nina? The ensembles from end of Dec to beginning of Jan are out of the strong Nina playbook
  20. We'd likely need convection to overcome the inversion though. I think many will see gusts up to 50 regardless by Friday
  21. Nam has a weak secondary or meso low ahead of the arctic front for Thursday night. It really enhances the winds ahead of the system. And then they'll be another bout of winds with the arctic front itself.
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