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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Yes but cold air is also fleeting so the variables cancel out. As great of a pattern as March 2018 was it delivered lackluster totals vs what would've occurred a month earlier because cold air was lacking at times.
  2. The analysis has been spot on and easily the best on this forum.
  3. Cue Bluewave to explain how MJO doesn't dictate the pattern. We have a firehose pacific jet. That's going to obliterate the cold and give us March weather.
  4. If it's a bad winter you're skunked pretty much everywhere. The only places that can do okay are NNE and ski regions
  5. We can't even approach freezing in the morning. It's getting historically terrible Today feels like mid-late April
  6. So is your January forecast going up in smoke or will it still be salvaged. EPS looks like a disaster
  7. That's the most encouraging sign for snowy weather I've seen yet
  8. The Jan 20 - Feb 20 period will be the best month of the winter imo. Doesn't mean it'll produce but the chances will be the greatest and it helps that it coincides with peak snow climo.
  9. It looks ridiculous. Lots of avalanches likely too. Pacific jet on steroids
  10. The winter would have to be extremely terrible for those places to get skunked.
  11. At least someone's getting snow. Mountains out west have been getting hammered. Should be better news for those drought regions this spring & summer if it continues.
  12. They do both apparently. They're the reason we've seen warming and they'll cool the climate too. He wins no matter what. I guess it makes sense he's leaned hard into the far right conspiracy crap because that's the only people willing to buy into his garbage and pay for his stuff.
  13. I think next year will be a lot better. Low bar but we should get out of the Nina rut
  14. Once you embrace a warm, snowless winter it becomes very pleasant. It's the acceptance phase Love not having to wake up to frigid temperatures and not wear any coats/gloves, etc or deal with any icing
  15. It's worth seeing a warm, snowless winter just to spite clowns like Joe Bastardi whose been calling for a cold/snowy winter. He's now saying volcanic activity in the ring of fire is what has led to warming oceans & climate essentially. Absolute lunatic
  16. Yea who knows. The same ole caveats no longer apply. Would I be shocked that after all this doom & gloom we still got 40"+ this season Nope. Winters are gettin weird
  17. It's not impossible. We've had snow in bad patterns before. Just gotta get the timing down.
  18. Several mets are convinced things change starting mid Jan but color me skeptical. Ensembles would need to give us better signs within a week
  19. Just go with little to no snowfall and warm temps and you'll be right 90% of the time. That doesn't mean we can't get a sneaky system that brings snow. Even the warmest, least snowy winters have had that.
  20. Meanwhile 50s & 60s for highs all week. It'll probably be warmer now than in March/April when the diarrhea of death returns all spring
  21. Loving the nice spring weather. Let's just keep it that way and get a 5 month spring.
  22. Yea it's great. Awful was last weekend with below zero wind chills Not surprised to see temps exceed forecast under SW winds
  23. Great info Don. I noticed Joe B carefully cherry picks every data point or model to point to the coldest outcome.
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