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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. There are several months with 31 days, how is that fake? And it's not good that we beat the record. With February likely being very warm too the ecological damage could be significant. Two cold days can't change how warm its been
  2. We average more snow in March than December so it's definitely possible
  3. Who could've seen that coming. Plenty of time to back off more too
  4. If the weeklies are correct then this year will rank #1.
  5. Is that when temperatures get low enough to become dangerous and cause real problems?
  6. GFS tries to get a storm going ahead of the arctic air. If that trends stronger we could get some snow ahead of it Additionally a stronger system will help bring that bitterly cold air further south. Ensembles have been trending stronger and further south with the arctic vortex and there's precedent for this back in December. If this continues then believe it or not we would see widespread subzero temperatures
  7. It's so jarring that in the middle of an endless March we have this bitter cold shot for a day. Euro still shows subzero temps which is wild given how warm its been. Still think it'll moderate though
  8. I'll take any of those 3. Hell I'll take years like 08/09 & 12/13 too.
  9. C'mon NYC struggles to hit freezing at night in January NNE is another world compared to them
  10. Strong likelihood we see moderation. No snow cover and a glancing blow for us Slight northward adjustment of the vortex and we only see seasonably cold weather
  11. Late Feb to mid March could deliver. With changing wavelengths and still cold around it could happen. Most of Feb looks toast though given weeklies.
  12. I hope models are exaggerating. This is completely useless to me. Actually pretty dangerous cold in NE if it verifies
  13. The definition of useless cold if Euro verifies and just salt in the wound. Just let this ratter torch Hopefully the models are on crack
  14. I wonder if the big time cold shot the models show for early Feb will verify. GFS gives us subzero readings actually You may think it's crazy but it happened in Feb 2016 after a ridiculously warm December.
  15. The off hour runs are always kinda iffy. Gfs gives us near 0 lows and single digit highs for early Feb lol.
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