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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. With near 60 in the forecast and days getting longer I anticipate a lot more budding
  2. The oceans could evaporate and it could be 130+ everyday and they'll still deny it. There's no such thing as reality for these people
  3. I hope we set the futility record. All this garbage should have something to show for it. I don't need a pity March advisory event that's gone the next day.
  4. Looks pretty crappy this week honestly. Lots of clouds followed by wet weather late week into the weekend. It's been a warm, snow-free winter but not a dry, sunny one courtesy of an active Pacific
  5. Yeah that's usually a good sign but I wouldn't bet on a favorable outcome south of NNE. It does appear that there could be one more favorable period between Feb 20 and March 15. CFS weeklies show it. MJO trying to move into more favorable phases by then as well. The seasonal transition periods are always interesting too, can really shake up a stale pattern
  6. Yup. Boston is pushing 50 by tomorrow which is crazy given this mornings reading
  7. To be fair they've been mostly right with the warmth this year. One or two really cold days can't take away from how warm its been.
  8. I've heard at some point it gets so cold that it feels like you're on fire. Guessing below -100 WCs
  9. Cold is much more tolerable than heat. At least you can always layer up
  10. That's how we get these insane short term temperature swings Cold is nothing out of the ordinary. 15/1 right now with forecast of 8. Meh. 50+ nearly every day starting Sunday
  11. Climate change denialists are having a field day on Twitter over one really cold day It could be 70F every day in January but 1 cold day is enough to bring them out
  12. No it's possible it's just that it'll be a drop in the bucket compared to the record warm weather. If the orientation was different than subzero temps would've came further south.
  13. GEFS is still pretty mild. A muted version of the EPS
  14. JB thought that would happen in the 2010s, instead we had the fastest warming decade on record There's nothing to suggest a cooling cycle. Net emissions are still rising, waters warming rapidly. Our baseline will increase with the next big Nino event possibly near 1.5C
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