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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I agree it's not healthy. It's going to throw everything out of whack A day or two of 60+ is fine but we've already had a record warm Jan. GFS gives us multiple rounds of 60+ and even 70+ temperatures in mid Feb.
  2. I think it'll be #1 in most places given the warmth rest of Feb. Futility will beat out 01/02 as well When all is said and done D-F will rank as the least snowy & warmest winter on record.
  3. Subtle hints from the GEFS for blocking. I think that signal will strengthen in the coming days and weeks
  4. Turning colder is easy when you have 60s in mid Feb. Hell 45-50 would be a big step down but it doesn't mean anything. You'd need a full scale pattern change aka blocking to deliver real cold & snow in March and I don't know if that will happen.
  5. You know its bad when you have to go into interior ME on Feb 10 to find good snows.
  6. Looking at the 10 day forecast and I can't believe it's mid Feb. It reads more like early April. Record early green ups coming. Next week will be warmer than this one
  7. Not exactly sure what the criteria is. Isn't 50F the minimum level for germination. They also differentiate between leaf index and bloom which happens much later.
  8. Things are moving north fast. 3 weeks ahead of schedule already Today and tomorrow will really accelerate that process
  9. Maybe. If there's any month that could have blocking, it's March and early season blocking (December) does tend to repeat eventually. But you're also fighting climo by then. You need a cold March to get snow.
  10. Very reasonable forecast. Down here we might get our first inch in March this year. Only the second time in my lifetime if that happens But it's only Feb 9 so take the weeklies with a grain of salt. Very low bar to clear for March to outperform Jan/Feb though.
  11. I do think March will be colder than Jan/Feb but 2018 will be difficult to pull off. At that stage of the game I'll be happy either way. If March sucks then it's status quo and spring is here. If it delivers then we get something to look forward to.
  12. That's pretty late to have impacts if it even does. Accounting for delays you wouldn't see much until 2nd half of March where the spring clock is feverishly ticking
  13. MAGA Joe doesn't live in reality and neither do his subscribers
  14. Or does it even matter. We've spent plenty of time in favorable phases with very little to show for it. MJO & SSWE are overrated imo as is the NAO & Siberian snow index. It's almost a fraud five of sorts.
  15. Yeah this is one for the record books. We will challenge the futility record for lack of snow + warmth (already #3). I don't need a pity March snow either that melts the next day or a miserable March (30 & 40s with rain) either.
  16. Important to note that a SSW event doesn't guarantee cold/snow even if it were to occur
  17. We are going to see record early blooms this season and the ecological impacts could be very damaging due to the record warm Jan/Feb combo. We're already seeing leafouts 3+ weeks ahead of schedule in the SE. My forecast is mainly 50s & 60s with even warmer days mid Feb possible.
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