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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Remember all those drool worthy runs in December. All we got was a big cutter and a couple frigid days for Christmas.
  2. That checks out. It's funny how your perspective changes. In seasons like 09/10 & 10/11 these amounts would be scoffed at. Today they're a miracle
  3. 38/23 for me which ain't bad. I'm in Somerset so it's very borderline here. Could end up with 1-2" while just 10-15 miles north sees 6+
  4. There's probably a window somewhere there but we've had favorable looks before. I do think odds are a lot better than December though. -PNA much less of an issue
  5. It could be 55 and it wouldn't matter. All comes down to wet bulb temps
  6. Each model run is trending more and more amped and big jumps were made by the southernmost models. MJO phase 7 supports an enhanced WAR which supports a phased, powerful system that confluence can't stop.
  7. Are those negative anomalies even legit or just more can kicking. GFS/CMC look warm for March 1-10 I'm hoping for an early spring so I can move past this miserable winter as soon as possible. What I would give for a 2012 March
  8. GFS/CMC looking much warmer for March. I think models are gonna back down on the cool anomalies and we'll still see an above normal month
  9. Bring on the torch and end this embarrassing winter
  10. That has no bearing on what will happen later. Dews are quite low and this comes at night. Additionally you get secondary development which will help lock in low level cold. A rare positive bust could be in the cards imo.
  11. There's probably a March 10-15 window and there have been notable events around that period in the past. It's really the last realistic chance at something significant as anything after mid March is highly anomalous.
  12. Confluence is present but it's battling the SE ridge. I think your initial call will be correct unless the confluence really ramps up over the next few days.
  13. Yes 01-02 set the standard for horrible winters that this one still beats as of Feb 27th.
  14. Do you guys post Euro snow maps? Curious about NJ as it looks close
  15. Yeah looking like a non event now south of 78. Oh well at least it's almost spring
  16. It's probably our only chance at anything. Models aren't enthusiastic about the 3/4 system. So yeah give me a couple inches and then this pathetic winter can shove it
  17. Nam is garbage. It had widespread 1-2" totals for Saturday. I saw flurries.
  18. I live like 5 minutes from there and I can't shake that feeling either
  19. LR HRRR ramping things up nicely especially for the northern half of the forum.
  20. GFS has been trending stronger with the confluence. Not sure it'll be enough but still a lot of time.
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