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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Tropical threat by mid September? Models are consistent
  2. Dews are in the mid 60s so it's not that low. But today is just the beginning. The next few days will be very hot and I bet we'll see advisories go up.
  3. This is as hot as it gets for September. Mid to upper 90s all week. Forky finally wins Its been pretty dry too so the elusive 100F isn't out of the question for someone.
  4. Oddly enough ensembles hint at eastern troughing around then and beyond once the heat breaks and ridging shifts west.
  5. This used to be very common back in the day. Still it's refreshing before a super hot week.
  6. And then September goes on a 10+ day hiatus
  7. Enjoy these next few days because the coming week looks like a hot one. Probably not oppressively so though with dews in the 60s mostly
  8. I could have told you that. It was pretty obvious this would be a minor event. Small cane (low surge potential) that hit a sparsely populated area. Didn't matter how strong it got with the core of intense winds only being a few miles across without no major population centers nearby.
  9. If there are any surprises it'll be the extent of devastation in Georgia
  10. Water levels are over 10' there now
  11. Western wall looks like a beast 8am update should be a landfall
  12. Euro has upper 90s next week. Dews probably in the mid 60s so won't feel oppressive but it'll definitely be quite hot.
  13. Given its forward speed and intense convective dynamics I do think inland impacts will be a lot worse than people expect all the way up to GA/SC It doesn't help that it's almost hugging the SE coast
  14. Landfall is 2-3hrs away. They'll keep it at 130mph until then. This is a higher end 3 if we're being honest and a relatively small system. Florida is fortunate it's hitting a remote location too.
  15. This is not a large system. Strong winds will be confined to eyewall
  16. I do think she'll keep strengthening until landfall. Not enough time for an EWRC. Cat 4 isn't out of the question
  17. It wouldn't surprise me if 1st half is super hot and we see a sharp cool down afterwards.
  18. The heat does look impressive though. Definitely an extension of mid summer
  19. Lol I'm sorry you had to use one of your 5 daily posts to respond
  20. If only the GFS has a clue because that would be an impressive September heat wave
  21. Not too common to see a potential 150mph+ storm north of 30N in the open Atlantic
  22. Ok so it'll be 90F in early September...big whoop
  23. I think there are much more negative factors than with previous storms. A lot of dry air and shear present and it won't ever get fully favorable. Plus time will be a factor. I don't think warm SSTs alone will do it. I don't expect more than a Cat 2 at landfall.
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