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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I don't understand the dismissal of CC on our weather patterns to the point of flat out denial. Of course background warming is having an impact and a pretty substantial one at that. Also don't like when people say oh if so and so pattern today occurred in the past it would also be unfavorable for cold/snow. That might be true but to what extent and is it really the same kind of pattern.
  2. How many strong to super Ninos had higher Atlantic ACE than east Pacific because with Margot & Nigel coming up & east Pacific staying quiet that looks very possible.
  3. Of course this happens when the cooler season arrives. Oh well I guess I'll be wearing shorts til Thanksgiving
  4. Huh? The -PNA/+EPO pattern is very Nina like to me. A stark contrast to June-August.
  5. Lee couldn't even make it to 68W. Of course it wasn't going to be a good hit.
  6. Not sure what the hype was. Models weren't all that enthused and the timing was off.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me if we went from summer to winter with barely any fall
  8. The speed of Lee is a major reason why. The slower it moves the more time for ridging to build to its northeast.
  9. The Euro would have some significant coastal impacts. Even though it won't be strong, probably 75-90mph, it'll be a very large system with tons of wave/erosion & surge potential.
  10. I remember those days. The fact more people aren't alarmed we're still getting lows in the upper 60s & 70s in mid September is jarring.
  11. Yeah because I want a hurricane to wreck my house.
  12. Coastal impacts may be quite extensive purely due to its massive size (likely double from now) once it gets here. Those impacts would increase big time if there is a hook west.
  13. Quite strong too with baroclinic boost so could have some hybrid characteristics. Wind field will likely be massive SSTs would also be warmer the further south it hooks as well delaying weakening.
  14. The strength of that Wed shortwave and how quickly it lifts out plus the speed of Lee are all major factors. If the shortwave is weaker, lifts out faster and Lee is slower moving then it'll get hooked pretty far west. I guess that's your best case scenario if you want a good hit.
  15. Sometimes models latch onto something and trend in that direction for better or worse. We see this often in the winter where a seemingly favorable solution turns to crap as we get closer. Need the Euro to resemble something like yesterday though
  16. Nice weenie cane for NYC on the GFS
  17. We'll see if the Euro was onto something. GFS has another major threat about a week later. The tropics are really buzzing. Super Nino says what?
  18. Not really seeing that big autumnal front just yet. Probably won't happen til October. Nino Octobers are typically cooler than usual
  19. Oh good maybe my region will get more than 2" this winter. The winter was so bad that even normies recognized the lack of snowfall and still mention today how last winter it barely snowed. Given people's very short memories regarding weather events, that's pretty telling.
  20. That adds up to what the Euro OP was doing. Probably too early to count out eastern SNE just yet. Bottom line is that a slower moving Lee is a bigger threat. I think just as many are ready to discount any possibility of a threat as those on social media hyping it up. Quite fascinating really Just to stay on this hype train. How strong do you think it could be realistically. I'd imagine there would be some baroclinic assist.
  21. I can see that. The less interaction with the first trough the more likely this can curve NW towards the coast.
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