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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. The trends are good though. Would be nice if they continued. You're getting northern stream involvement and more cold air is being drawn in.
  2. You gotta dump that primary over upstate NY first.
  3. Still think this one has a better chance at delivering snow than wave 2 with more cold air available.
  4. There's a lack of an arctic high. You can see the semblance of a primary over upstate NY You're going to get white rain or just rain on the coastal plain even with a great track.
  5. Sucks the air mass isn't a little colder for us down here. That track ain't bad
  6. Probably the opposite however it could be an inland runner. Likely another congrats NNE storm
  7. The GFS not being so wrapped up isn't a bad thing right now
  8. Deep interior is favored for both waves. At this time I don't see the coastal plain getting much if anything You either need arctic air in March or a deep coastal low to get significant snows. We're banking on the 2nd option
  9. I'm not getting my hopes up. There's at chance at something significant but everything has to go right for that to happen. Cold looks marginal. You need a powerful coastal system to get snow to the coast.
  10. Wouldn't anyone outside of C/NNE and far interior see mostly rain anyway. There's not much cold around. I know our region has no shot
  11. Yeah March snows blow down here. It's really rare to get them to stick around which is why 2015 was extra special in that regard. I remember a deep pack 1st week of March, almost unheard of around here.
  12. Disagree. Down here we've had two minor snow events within the last week whereas we had 0 before then. Temperatures are also averaging near or slightly below normal whereas in Jan/Feb it was +8/5
  13. I think our best bet is wave one. The setup looks more favorable and there's some cold air draining south due to high near lakes.
  14. Do you think a more amped up wave 1 would lead to a less phased storm for 2. GFS suggests it would
  15. Not giving up on wave 1 down here. Things aren't that far off from something decent
  16. GFS was really close to something big.
  17. This is probably true but wave 1 could muck things up so we don't get either.
  18. Yes it's very picturesque this morning. Would normally be a nice end of season event instead it's the 2nd biggest snowfall at a whopping inch or so.
  19. Yeah you're not going to get a winter savior in mid March. When things are bad they usually stay bad. Every day that a threat is delayed makes it that much more unlikely to occur. Time is running out.
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